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Posted by on May 20, 2015 in Health, Food, & Crafting | 0 comments

Why Most People Fail at Weight Loss

Why Most People Fail at Weight Loss.  I have tried every “diet known to mankind” and have been unsuccessful at maintaining my weight loss with all of them.  For over 20+ years I lived on the “weight loss roller coaster”. You know that roller coaster that goes way up and then way down and then when you finally think the ride is over you are in for another surprise. The interesting part is that I knew how to “follow the program” but I didn’t know how to “live the program”.  This along with other factors lead to my “weight loss roller coaster ride”.  Join me today and find out why most people fail at Weight Loss. 


What is Happening?

If you are like me, you have tried every diet known to man kind. I was temporarily successful with some of the weight loss programs and gave up on others before I even gave them a chance. Two of my biggest frustrations was feeling deprived and always being hungry.  I knew this was not a life I could maintain and there had to be another solution.

I have counted points, eaten low carb, starved myself, and worked out at the gym for hours. None of these worked for me long-term and I always gained back more weight.   As I shared in my Weight Loss Story, I even went to the extreme measure of having Gastric Bypass Surgery. Although I lost weight, it taught me nothing about eating and after the birth of my oldest daughter the weight wouldn’t budge. 

final collageWeight Loss Failure

After a lifetime of weight loss failure, I finally discovered why I couldn’t keep the weight off.  For over 20+ years, I ate low fat, fat free, processed foods.  I was told I could eat all these foods and lose weight. The truth is I did lose weight, but I didn’t keep it off long-term and I was always craving more. I was NEVER FULL.

Some days I had self-control and other days I blew it. The main issue was that even when I overate I was still hungry. I thought that this is just the way it had to be in order to lose weight.  Eating these foods caused me to be sick and overweight. I had to end the “yo-yo dieting”.


According to Dr. Mercola, there are 9 Reasons Why Processed Foods Make You Sick and Fat 

1. Processed Foods Are High in Sugar and/or High Fructose Corn Syrup 

2. Processed Foods Are Designed to Make You Overeat 

3. Processed Foods Contain Artificial Ingredients

4. You Can Become Addicted to Processed Foods

5. Processed Foods Are Typically High in Refined Carbohydrates

6. Most Processed Foods Are Low in Nutrients

7. Processed Foods Are Typically Low in Fiber

8. It Requires Less Energy and Time to Digest Processed Foods

9. Processed Foods Are Often High in Trans Fats and Processed Vegetable Oils


Honestly, I would have never believed the dangers of processed foods until my family and I experienced it for ourselves. Since we changed to whole foods, NOBODY has been sick in our home and we are always full and don’t feel deprived.

You may be asking yourself, “What Can I Eat?”  I am excited to tell you there are lots of delicious foods that are not processed that you can enjoy. I have three small children at home and I understand being concerned about being able to feed your children this way. 

I have the pickiest children on earth and they LOVE everything I prepare. They don’t feel deprived as we still make pancakes, muffins, brownies, doughnuts, chocolate, fried chicken, and lots more delicious food that you would think you can’t have.  They love it so much they have actually asked to start taking their lunch to school vs. eating a school lunch.

Are You Ready to Lose Weight for the Last Time?

Register Now For Your FREE One-on-One Consultation

little arrowYes! I want to learn more about how I can improve my health and lose weight for the last time. I’m tired of being on the “weight loss roller coaster” and gaining it all back. I’m serious about getting results and reclaiming my body and my health. I am interested in more information about your programs, including Individualized One-on-One Coaching. Please contact me to schedule a complimentary private consultation with you (an $87 value)!




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