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Posted by on Jan 4, 2014 in Health, Food, & Crafting | 8 comments

What’s Your Biggest Obstacle?

What’s Your Biggest Obstacle?  New Year’s Resolutions are in place and everybody is ready to start on Monday.  The biggest problem faced are obstacles.  Life gets hectic and if we don’t have a plan on how to deal with them we are bound to fail. I know what my BIGGEST OBSTACLE is and so I have a plan of attack so I can stay on track. Join me today and find out what my BIGGEST OBSTACLE is and how I plan to not let it stand in my way.  Join me on the journey and lets do this TOGETHER one day at a time.  

What's Your Biggest Obstacle?

Teenage Dieting

Growing up as an obese teenager, I remember my mom always putting me on the latest diet.  One of the main reasons I never stuck to the program was because of the bland, tasteless food.  I always felt deprived and starvation quickly set in.  

My fondest memories (not) was the Heart Association Diet that Publix put out every year. I hated that diet and the idea of eating beets for dinner was not very appetizing.  I always went to bed hungry and knew there was no way I could stick to this plan.  

Shortly after my best efforts, I would give up and continued on the cycle of diets. This was very depressing for me and I graduated from high school as a morbidly obese person.  I felt hopeless and didn’t know what to do.  I was embarrassed to be the BIG GIRL in a graduating class of 8.


What's Your Biggest Obstacle?

My Biggest Obstacle

I have found that the biggest obstacle I face is TASTELESS FOOD.  The idea of eating so-called “diet food” is a BIG TURNOFF to me.  

I hear people all the time talking about eating salads and broiled chicken for lunch and dinner everyday. Honestly, I can’t do that for every meal.  Don’t get me wrong those are good foods to eat, but the truth is that isn’t a lifestyle. I can’t live on broiled chicken and salads for the rest of my life. I have a family to feed and I am not preparing a separate meal for myself.

Personally, I like variety and food that smells and tastes AMAZING!  I love to cook and enjoy entertaining others, but it can’t be via tasteless food.  I want this to be a lifestyle and not a diet.  This will not only help me, but it will also show my children how you can eat healthy foods without sacrificing taste.  In turn, my hope is to not have my children have the same weight issues my husband and I have had our entire lives. 


 What's Your Biggest Obstacle?

My Plan

One of the key ingredients in me being able to lose 26 lbs. so far has been in the foods I cook. I keep them varied and full of taste. It is amazing to learn how to cook in a way that doesn’t feel like you are eating “diet food”.

Recently, I discovered Skinny Taste.  I have made a lot of her recipes and they have all passed the family test.  This website is full of delicious and healthy recipes. See this picture above? This is the Pernil I prepared for my church and guests last night and there were no leftovers. 

I accompanied the Pernil with Brown Rice and Black Beans and it was DELICIOUS!! Guests were going back for seconds and thirds.  Furthermore, I lost weight this week while eating DELICIOUS FOOD!  Check out the Pernil Recipe HERE!   

What’s Your Biggest Obstacle?

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  1. Hi there
    I never had an engery or weight problem until I hurt my back and all my left side. then the weight went on from pills to no exercise. I did everything from weight watchers to you name it then the magic cancer came along and with chemo I packed on the weight and of course it affected all my joints the pain was unreal. my left leg turned black but 3 specialists and drs and tests all said there was nothing wrong… well they should have borrowed it the pain oh was so bad then came the day I couldn’t walk no more….they all said it was ok. but my son found what I am doing today. my leg isn’t black anymore and the pain that horrid pain is gone I now walk and am grateful to be able to walk. I do stairs with a slow pace but my health I am off all pills pain blood pressure all of them. I take 2 tynol now when I go bowling yes I bowl now twice a week and love it. what I know now is that now matter what I do I am loosing some vitamins and minerals when I leave out or don’t like. so now I get all my vitamins minerals and I eat what I want like ice cream few sweets I don’t eat a lot of sweets but I eat what I want and when and I lost 40 lbs really easy…. I love it Im not sure if on here I can say what it is because it maybe advertising and I don’t want to loose this site. I love all the ideas and the chat. but if its ok and you want to know more email me privately… One of my friends Monica has taken it and her iron came way up and the bathroom now is her friend cause the iron is bad for letting you go. anyways that is my story. I go for weigh in tomorrow and I think I will have 3 lbs off this week. so that will make me up to 46. I also every 10 lbs I feed an obese child 60 meals and they love it too. so we all win. plus its children in usa or Canada and our choice. thanks Carolyn

  2. My problem with food is that I’m a picky eater. There are more things I don’t like than I like. It’s said that variety is the spice of life but I can eat the same thing every day and it doesn’t bother me. I eat a slice of American cheese on four saltine crackers every day for lunch. Nothing else. It drives my family crazy. I need healthier eating habits but have no idea how to learn to like more foods.

  3. I think my problem is portion control. I just can’t seem to be happy with a little bit. I find that if I eat my veggies before my meal I’m more satisfied.

    • Donna,

      I usually add a light soup to the menu to help fill up before the main meal.

  4. I can not eat wheat/corn/egg yolks/milk products/beans so it is a real probleman making foods I can eat. Get tired of same things all te time. Love soup and it fills you up

    • Barbara,

      What can you eat? Do you have to eat a special kind of diet?

  5. Thank you for sharing. I usually cook my pork roasts in the crock pot because I don’t have time to tend to them otherwise. It is failure proof unless you cook them way too long and the meat gets dry. I am waiting for you to share your re-done tostone recipe, please.

    • Elaine,

      This pork will stay really moist. I use Bitter Sweet Orange. I will post the tostones recipe tomorrow.


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