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Posted by on Feb 5, 2015 in Health, Food, & Crafting, Updates | 4 comments

What McDonald’s Reminded Me Of…

What McDonald’s Reminded Me Of… Every now and then we are reminded about what is really important from the most unexpected people, places, things or circumstances in our lives. The most important thing is that we GROW from that and apply it to our lives.  Let me tell you more about what McDonald’s reminded me of…


Eye Opening Moment

In the summer of 2013, my husband and I went to the doctor and were told that we had developed the beginning stages of diabetes. It was a real eye opening moment for both of us. We knew our health was declining but never diabetes.

At that moment we realized that taking care of our health was a “Matter of the Heart”. It wasn’t just about us but about our children.  They wanted us to be active with them and we couldn’t.  If we didn’t do something about our weight, we would miss out on sharing special moments that we would never be able to relive.

How could we look at our children and not give them “US”?  We had to love them and ourselves enough to do something about our weight and so the journey began to a healthier us so that we could be there for them the way they deserved.  For us it was an act of love towards ourselves and our children.

i love youWhat Really Matters!

In the book The 5 Love Languages author Gary Chapman states that each person has a primary love language that we must learn to speak if we want that person to feel loved.  They are: 1. Words of Affirmation, 2. Acts of Service, 3. Receiving Gifts, 4. Quality Time, and 5. Physical Touch

Which one of these is your love language? Do you know which one is your spouse’s love language? How about your children’s? Your friends? We must all discover these love languages so we can let those around us know that we appreciate them and love them.

My husband and I know that one of our children’s love language is Quality Time. When we reclaimed our health and bodies, it was an act of love towards ourselves and them because we now have the energy to give them what they wanted “Quality Time” running around with us and playing without aches and pains.


Great Reminder!

This weekend McDonald’s reminded me once again of what is most important.  We must let those around us know how much we love and appreciate them.

This Super Bowl commercial was an awesome reminder of this and confirmed what I already had in mind for Add a Little Dazzle during the month of February.

matters of the heartMatters of the Heart

During the month of February we are going to focus on “Matters of the Heart”.  This isn’t just about Valentine’s Day.  It is much bigger than that and shouldn’t be a once a year event..

We need to let those around us know we love them all the time.  Our friends, children, siblings, parents, relatives, coworkers, teachers, and even strangers.  Even more important we need to take time to LOVE OURSELVES by taking care of our health and well-being. 

In February, I will be sharing card ideas, project ideas, healthy recipesstories, and even challenges to let those around you know you care and appreciate them.

I will ask you to share what you did. If you have pictures, send them to me and I will share them on my blog.  I will have a special prize pack for randomly selected winners. The more you participate, the more entries into the drawing.

Are you ready for Matters of the Heart?


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  1. You are an inspiration to me, Monica! I have been taking what you said “to heart”. 🙂 Do you have a place for us to post what we’ve been doing? Or were you wanting us to email you? Or how did you want us to share how we’ve participated in the “Matters of the Heart”? Thanks!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

    • Becca, thanks. I hope you will join in and share some of your creations with us. Hugs!!!

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