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Posted by on Jun 18, 2015 in Health, Food, & Crafting | 3 comments

The Fastest Way to Cook Bacon

The Fastest Way to Cook Bacon. Bacon is one of those foods my family loves.  Honestly, I have never met a person who doesn’t love bacon. It’s one of those foods that is just delicious. There are so many delicious ways to use it in your cooking.  What’s even better is that you can eat it with a Clean Eating Lifestyle. I will talk more about that tomorrow but for today let me share with you the fastest way to cook bacon and even have it ready for those during the week cravings.   

FASTEST WAY TO MAKE BACON 2Most Difficult Challenge

When I was first introduced to Clean Eating, the most difficult adjustment for me was knowing that I needed to give up fat-free and low-fat food. My entire life I grew up being told that I was morbidly obese because I ate too much fat. How was I supposed to change a mind-set that had been ingrained for too many years?

It took some time, but I finally embraced the change and brought healthy fats into my “clean-eating lifestyle”.  I was terrified I would gain weight, but the complete opposite happened. I started losing weight, my skin was no longer dry, and I felt full after eating.   

You may be wondering how can I bring bacon into my clean-eating life. I will share more about the fat in bacon and tips on how to choose the right bacon. For now, let’s learn the Fastest Way to Cook Bacon without making a mess in your kitchen. 

pan of baconFastest Way to Cook Bacon

If you have ever cooked bacon, you know the mess you will have to clean up after having grease splatter everywhere. Honestly, as much as I love bacon I hate that part of it plus the fact that you can only cook small batches at a time. Last week, I discovered an easy and fast way to cook bacon and it has made me love bacon even more. 

To begin, you will need a Cookie Sheet and a Silicone Baking Mat.  Simply place the Silicone Baking Mat on your cookie sheet, then place the strips of bacon on top.  Set your oven to 375F and bake for 20 minutes. If it isn’t completely cooked, leave it in for an additional 5-10 minutes and you are done.

I was amazed at how easy this was to do and clean up was easy.  What a great way to prep your bacon for the upcoming week. Sure makes morning breakfast quick and easy. Yummy!!!


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  1. Healthy bacon? Yummy!!

    • Monica, why the silicone baking mat? I have cooked bacon on the Pampered Chef Bar Pan (stone)in oven for years without a mat.

      • Sandy,

        I use the Silicone Baking Mat in place of using aluminum foil and parchment paper. Silicone Mat is already nonstick so I don’t have to use Nonstick Cooking Spray that has Soy Lecithin in it.

        I don’t know anything about using stone in baking. I will look into it and see what I find out.

        Thanks for your question and if you have any more questions please feel free to email me at


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