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Posted by on Aug 18, 2014 in Updates | 18 comments

It Was One of Those Days/Weekends

It Was One of Those Days/Weekends.  Have you ever had one of those days where it was just crazy?  Did you feel like the Energizer Bunny running all day long non-stop? Did you ever wonder what else could happen that day?  Well, I had one of those days last week and instead of it lasting one day it lasted all weekend long.  What made it worst was that the day began at 5 in the morning and still hasn’t ended.  

It Was One of Those Days/Weekends-www.addalittledazzle.comTime Flies By

Last week was an emotional time for me.   I love seeing the amazing people my children are becoming, but it’s bittersweet to see how fast time flies by.  My son was off to 4th grade, my daughter to 2nd grade, and my baby to preschool. What an emotional day it was for me but an exciting day for them.  

My son did great and so did my youngest. My middle child was a total wreck and cried for days before school started at the fear of the unknown.  I cried to see her heart filled with so much fear and prayed that God would comfort her and help her.  He did and she made it through the day.  She was a trooper!

It Was One of Those Days/

First Day of School

The first day of school was pretty hectic.  We spent the majority of the day running errands and taking my youngest to get caught up on her vaccinations. She spent the rest of the day miserable and ran a fever all night long.

As my hubby and I were doing some last minute shopping before picking up the kids from school, I received a call from the school nurse telling me that my son got stung by a bee on the face.  We picked up some Benadryl and kept and eye on him all night long. In addition, we were up all night with our 3 year old daughter running a fever.  

We figured we had the weekend to catch up on sleep and get completely organized for school. I guess our well laid out plans are not what God had in store as the craziness of the week was going to go well into the weekend.


It Was One of Those Days/Weekends-www.addalittledazzle.comFriday Afternoon

As I was working in the office Friday afternoon, I started feeling really sick. I had a strong, sharp shooting pain on my right abdominal side. It was so strong I couldn’t walk.  My hubby ran me to the Emergency Room and left to pick up the kids from school. By the time he got back to the hospital, they had me sedated and were waiting to run a CT Scan.

The results came back that I had a  Strangulated Hernia and I would have to have emergency surgery that evening.  I was in shock as this isn’t the way I had planned out Friday night.  It was pretty serious and they said if I had waited another day I had the risk of becoming septic.

Thankfully, we had friends that stepped in and helped watch the children while my husband stayed with me.  I made it through surgery and was sent home Saturday late afternoon.

change of plansChange of Plans

As you can imagine, the videos I had scheduled to create never happened.  My office is in the same condition I left it Friday afternoon. Camera ready to go but no video.

As a result, I have decided to extend you leaving a comment on the Altenew/Add a Little Dazzle Blog Hop until Wednesday, August 20th.  If you haven’t had a chance to stop by the hop, make sure to click on the link and take a look around the blog hop and make sure to leave a comment on each blog to enter for a chance to win the Add a Little Dazzle Prize Package.

In addition, please make sure to check out the Add a Little Dazzle Ultimate Sampler Pack Special which includes FREE TUTORIALS to get you started.


Dazzling Diva Challenge

Make sure to check out Challenge #38 and enter for a chance to win a prize pack.  You have until Tuesday, August 19th at midnight. 

I hope to have the promised videos up before then, but I am not making promises at this point. I do assure you that we will be back on Wednesday for Challenge #39.  If for some reason, I don’t have the video up this week, I will do it the following week.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.



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  1. You could certainly write a book! What an experience. Continue to take care of yourself, and God will do the rest. I know He is in control! Big hug.

  2. I hope you’ll feel better soon! Take good care of yourself and when the video won’t be online, I’m sure everyone will understand. Your health and family are a number one priority!

  3. I say don’t worry about the video and take care of yourself and your family!!!! they are the most important- praying for a full and quick recovery so you can be the Wife and Mother to all those important people!!!

  4. First, am happy you went in to a Emergency and got the proper diagnosis; strangulated hernias can be life threatening if not treated expeditiously! Secondly,thank you for extending the Blog Hop commenting. I love Altenew stamps and was happy to see the metal creations used by both design teams. Something completely different from the norm and I anticipate a new trend!

  5. Wow, what a day, hope you are feeling better!

  6. OMGosh sweetie. Please take care of yourself.
    I am so glad you went to the ER so they could help you before other problems arose.
    Take this time to heal.
    Hope your kiddos are doing well.
    Crafty hugs,

  7. OMG what a busy and challenging week for you both physically and mentally…so happy to hear your husband and friends were there to help you through. I will keep you in our prayers for a quick recovery and a smooth year for your kids.

  8. I am thankful that you didn’t delay in going to the hospital and that all went well with the surgery. Take the time you need to recover. We’ll be here when you get back!

  9. So sorry you had so much going on this last week but thankful your surgery went well. Rest and recover so life can get back to something normalcy. Praying for you all.

  10. I am so glad that you got the hospital when you did. I hope this week is better!!!! Hope everyone is on the mend and feeling lots better!!

  11. Wow what a week for you all. I’m so sorry to hear about your surgery. I know how painful and serious that condition is. (I have a similar gut.) So thankful you sought help right away. Good luck with fast healing. Take it eady.

  12. So sorry for all that has been going on with your family. I will say a special prayer for you.

  13. I sure hope you will be feeling better soon!

  14. Praying you feel better soon.

  15. Oh, my goodness! You take care of yourself and let your family and friends love on you while you recover!!! Prayers for a swift and complete recovery!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  16. Take care of yourself. Rest and relax. thankful that it was caught in time. Have a fast and complete recovery. Hugs

  17. May you get to feeling better soon.

  18. What a weekend!
    Hope you are feeling
    better and have a
    better week!
    Carla from Utah

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