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Posted by on Mar 14, 2013 in Cards, Techniques | 3 comments

Metal Embossing Techniques

Metal Embossing Techniques can be easily applied to your crafting projects.  Whether you are using rubber stamps, the Big Shot, or My Digital Studio the ideas are endless.  We recently released an embossing technique project using the Swallowtail Stamp Set in our Virtual Club.  The feedback was great and our members are enjoying learning how to emboss in a totally different way.  In addition, we have received tons of emails from our readers telling us just how much they love these kind of projects.  As a result, we have decided we are going to start teaching you some embossing techniques using  Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.

Metal Embossing Techniques Embossing Techniques is a hot topic among paper crafters.  Wherever you turn, you see projects created using different embossing techniques.  My preferred medium for applying these techniques is craft metal sheets.  I love metal sheets and all the possibilities that come with it.  There are so many beautiful projects you can create with Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets and we are excited to what we have in store for you.

Recently, I received this beautiful card from one of our followers Roberta.  I met Roberta over a year ago on an internet forum and quickly discovered she loved working with metal.  I saw her work and was in awe of what she can do with metal.  When I received this card in the mail, I was really excited to see techniques I had seen but never tried on metal sheets. One of my favorites was that of rolling the metal sheet.  Look at the window she created using Wondrous White Craft Metal Sheet?  I love this technique.  In addition, you can see she created some beautiful roses using Rustic Red Metal Sheets and Garland Green Craft Metal Sheets for the leaves.  As you can see, she really put forth a lot of work into this card. Stay tuned as in the coming weeks I will be teaching you these techniques and many more embossing techniques. Tomorrow will be the first of many to come so don’t miss out!

On a Personal Note: For a long time, my husband and I have been praying about some things for our home.  Honestly, we started wondering why God wasn’t answering our prayers yet.  One day, I just broke down and cried all night.  Have you ever had those moments when you are so broken that you can’t say anything to God but cry from your heart?  That was me. God knew my heart and my tears were my own silent prayer to Him. 

In the days to follow, God allowed different situations and people to come our way in those days to remind us that “He had not forsaken us”.  The interesting thing is that these were from people who knew nothing about what is going on in our lives.  One was a complete stranger at the Dollar Store.  Then, I went to the post office and found this card in the mail.  Wow! I knew that was God speaking to us. The day after we received this card, we got a call we had been waiting to receive for a year.  I couldn’t believe it!   We still don’t have the complete answer but are praying we will after this weekend. Please keep our family in your prayers this weekend as we get more clarity to what God has in store for us.  Please also pray that if this is not God’s will for our life that we will have peace.

What Are You Believing God For?

Metal Embossing Techniques

I don’t usually post messages like this, but I truly believe in my heart that there are many of you out there that need to have your spirit restored today.  Maybe you got laid off, are sick in a hospital bed, have a broken heart.  God knows where you are at and He wants you to know that He hasn’t forsaken you.  He is right there with you right now.  Reach out to Him in prayer and let Him heal and restore your broken heart. Blessings are coming your way!  I don’t know when or how, but our God is a good God and He loves us so much. Don’t let bitterness and anger come into your hearts.  You may not understand the why’s right now, but you will someday. Rest in Him.

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  1. He will never leave you!

  2. Mónica gracias por compartir tu talento y también tus preocupaciones. No desfallezcas! Recuerda que entre más oscuro el horizonte es cuando más cerca está el amanecer…. Has construído tu hogar y tu negocio con la ayuda de tu esposo, no dejes que momentos de dificultad erosionen tus cimientos. Lo material siempre va y viene, la familia es lo que permanece y debemos cuidarla! Abrazos….

  3. I did need this today, I am going through a divorce and the financial situation is not good. seems like all I do is pray and cry. just love getting your e-mails everyday. once all this mess is done and over with, I will be buying some of these metal sheets, all your work is so beautiful. God bless, hope things work out for you. gloria

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