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Posted by on Sep 22, 2014 in 3D Projects | 6 comments

Life Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Wonderful

Life Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Wonderful. Have you ever sat and reflected on your life and thought my life isn’t perfect? Have you ever thought and wondered why you are going through your current situation? Do you sometimes wish you had somebody’s else’s life? I must admit that I am guilty of all of the above and more and have decided to shift my focus.  I have decided to be thankful for my present circumstance and have realized that Life Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Wonderful

Life Doesn't Have to Be Perfect to Be Wonderful-www.addalittledazzle.comMy AHA Moment

Last week we had an amazing blog hop with Stampendous, I met so many designers and new followers. The one thing I learned from all the comments I read is that we all have our own journey we are traveling and we are all struggling in some way. I read so many emails that really humbled me and made me realize that my life is wonderful and I have little to complain about.

It is so easy to get caught up in our own world and think that we are the only ones facing struggles. Then, when we step out of our own world for just a moment we realize somebody else has it worst and decide our world isn’t too bad. All of a sudden our cross doesn’t seem too much to bear. 

As a result of this aha moment last week, I created this journal for the blog hop. It is my Thankful Journal. I am choosing to be thankful each day and write my thoughts in it. Then, once a week I will share one of those entries with you.

Life Doesn't Have to Be Perfect to Be Wonderful-www.addalittledazzle.comDid You Really Mean It?

Have you ever said something and then something happens to test if you really meant what you said? Well, that is what happened to me on Friday. When I created this journal for Friday’s post, I knew that my first journal entry would be about the hecticness we have had with the kids the past two weeks. 

Then, while I was preparing Friday’s post my kid’s school called at 9:20 am and said a water line had broken in town, the school was without water, and the kids were being dismissed for the day. I think God was testing me. All of a sudden my husband and my well laid out plans for the day went out the door.

Our seven-year old daughter was home sick with asthma and now my nine-year old son was coming home early. I asked my husband to check and see if our three-year old had to be picked up, but everything was fine at her school.  As a result, our well laid out plans for the day changed.


Life Doesn't Have to Be Perfect to Be
My Life Is Full of Good Things 

As I sat and thought about all my blessings, my beautiful children came to mind. So many times I get flustered by the running around and then I am reminded on how fast the days go by and how fast they are growing and will one day be gone and so my first entry in my journal was about them.

My life is full of good things. Three of those blessings keep me busy on a daily basis, yet fill my heart with such joy. There are days when life gets crazy and the week’s schedule seems never ending, and I wish I had a break.  Then, I am reminded that one day my children will be gone and I will wish I had these days back.   I still remember the day I brought my son home from the hospital. It feels like it was just yesterday. What happened? Next month it will be 10 years since that day and it has gone by too fast. One day my baby boy will be a young man and will venture on his own. I know that day is coming and so I must enjoy every moment I have because the days are going by too fast.  I love the people my children are becoming. They amaze every day. I am thankful for each of them and I thank God for allowing me to be their mother. What a blessing!  I am thankful for the crazy days in our home which fill our lives with screams, cries, laughs, and squishy hugs. I love that they all love to fall asleep in my arms at night and that they love spending time with me. My life is truly full of good things. I am blessed with three wonderful children who make every sleepless night, dirty dish, and toy on the floor worth it. I love them more than they will ever know. I love spending time with them being silly and loving on them. Thank you Lord for allowing me to be their mother. Thank you Lord for my children.


Ready to Create Your Own Journal?
Order Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets

What Are You Thankful for Today?

Leave Me a Comment and Share Your Blessing.


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  1. I’m thankful the my best friend Suzi is still with us. I went to visit her today and we talked and laughed. We looked thru her wedding album and she showed me old pictures of her family that I loved..

  2. I’m thankful that first grandchild who was in a breach position turned!! I’m also so thankful that I have 4 wonderful sons!! Now this one isn’t the least but rather the best. My Husband of 27 years!!

  3. You are so right, Monica. God has a way of reminding us that it is Him, not us, who orders our days and sovereignly chooses what we will encounter. We all have much to be thankful for every day, no matter what our circumstances. And your journal entry was so true also, my daughter is now 29 and it seems like only yesterday she was a baby. I was aware that time would go quickly, but it goes even quicker than we think! What a great idea doing the thankful journal! I’ll use my metal sheets to make one too!

    • Sheila,

      I would love to see your journal and share it on my blog when you make it. Please send me a picture at

  4. I am thankful that the raging infections that took over my body last week seem to have settled down and I am feeling a little bit better.
    I can hardly remember what life was like without daily (almost) health issues creating life altering problems. I thank God every day that it is me and not a young child having to go through these problems. Sounds silly but very true. I also remind myself that there is always someone who is worse off than I am. Some days it is harder to handle things but I always make it through to smile another day!

    • Barb,

      I don’t know what you are going through but you are in my thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. May God strengthen you as you face the challenges before you. God Bless You!



  1. Are You a Stampendous Blog Hop Winner? - Add A Little Dazzle - […] projects from last week’s blog hop and started with the Pumpkin Butter Recipe and my first Thankful Journal Entry.…

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Read more:
eclectic Paperie and Add a Little Dazzle Blog Hop (Day 2)