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Posted by on Jun 23, 2015 in Health, Food, & Crafting | 0 comments

I am Clean Eating and Still Not Losing Weight…

I am Clean Eating and Still Not Losing Weight. During this time of year, we all love to be outside enjoying the warmer days and don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I am with you as I have been outdoors more and less time in the kitchen. Unfortunately, I have paid for it as I am not losing weight. Am I eating too much? Am I eating processed foods?  No, I am actually eating clean and I am still not losing weight. Find out what I am doing wrong and what I need to do to get my body back into fat burning mode.   

without the socks
Weight Isn’t Budging

For the past month I have been struggling with my weight. The truth is I am not overeating the problem is I am undereating.  There are a lot of changes going on behind the scenes not only in my business but in our family life and it is pretty hectic right now. This on top of keeping the kids busy this summer.

When life gets extremely busy it is easy to fall off the “eating train”.  As a result, I am eating “maybe” 1,000 calories per day.  Unfortunately, we’ve been trained to believe that if we eat much less calories we will lose weight.  This is not the truth; I am living proof.

My body has entered starvation mode and it is nearly impossible for me to continue losing weight because my metabolism has slowed from chronic calorie deprivation.  I have become extremely frustrated and am working on making the necessary changes.

  dietNow What?

Does this sound like you? Are you constantly running out the door without breakfast? Do you constantly skip meals? Have you put your body in starvation mode? Eating less will not help you lose weight. Eating more of the right foods helps increase your metabolism. The key is to find a balance between healthy eating and exercising.  

With some planning you can get on track to feeding your body to get it out of starvation mode and fat loss mode.

Here are some tips I follow:

1. Focus on eating 1,800 calories per day. This is my daily intake based on age, weight, and physical activity.  

2. Set my phone alarm to remind me to eat every 3-4 hours.  When I eat every three to four hours, it keeps my blood sugar levels consistent and then I don’t have big hunger attacks that make me grab everything in the refrigerator.   I also focus on eating whole foods in all my meals. No processed food or sugar.  

3. Track My Food. It was a huge eye opener for me and made me realize I wasn’t getting near enough of the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat) my body needs.  When you are first starting, I think it’s a good idea to track your food.  Then, once you feel like you have a good feel for the types of foods you regularly eat just occasionally track your food to make sure you are still on track.  

4. Include protein, carbs, and fats in all my meals. This is not eating boring, bland food. I mix it up and keep it delicious and nutritious.

5. Drink Enough Water.  It helps your body flush extra toxins from your body. I keep a gallon in the refrigerator and fill up my water bottle. This will ensure that I get in my daily water intake. 

6. Plan the family menu for the week.  This helps me ensure that we are eating a variety of foods while staying on a budget with the weekly grocery bill.

7. Exercise.  Strength Training helps me build muscle while burning fat and Zumba is something I love so I limit it to 2 times a week. 


cant outrun 2Remember This

Our bodies have to be fueled in order to function on a daily basis. Just like a car can’t get anywhere without gas neither can our bodies. We can’t just put any gas in our car and expect it to run optimally. Neither can we expect our bodies to run on processed, junk food.

It doesn’t matter how much exercise you do if you aren’t eating healthy, nutritious food. Eliminating processed foods and sugar from our family’s diet has not only helped us lose weight but we have our health. It is now 7 months later since we started this journey and NOBODY in our home has been sick.  No amount of exercise can do that for us. Only food can do that for us!!!


Would You Like to Learn How to Fuel Your Body with Nutritious Foods?

Sign up for my FREE 3 day Clean Eating Meal Plan!


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