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Posted by on May 21, 2015 in Health, Food, & Crafting | 2 comments

How My Husband Fixed His Cholesterol Levels Without Medication

How My Husband Fixed His Cholesterol Levels Without Medication. My husband has had issues with his cholesterol levels for most of his adult life. When we met, his triglycerides and cholesterol levels were out of control. At that time, the doctor decided to put him on Gemfibrozil to help him.  While he was taking this medication, his levels improved. The issue came when he was taken off the medication and they shot back up.  We quickly got on a low-fat diet and were able to improve his levels quickly. The issue we now faced was that we improved one area but hurt his HDL levels (good cholesterol). They were low and nothing we tried helped improve this until recently. Join me today and learn how my husband fixed his cholesterol levels without medication.

His Roller Coaster Ride

For most of his life, my husband too has struggled with his weight. No matter his best efforts it never lasted. He was always hungry even after eating a full, hearty meal.  Like me, he felt doomed to a life of either being morbidly obese or starving himself just to be able to lose weight.

After the birth of our youngest son, both of us followed the Weight Watchers program and lost weight. Then, I became pregnant with our oldest daughter and maintaining this lifestyle was not doable. We had a 12 year old, 2 year old, and now we were expecting another child.  The weight quickly piled on and he was back to square one. 

Unfortunately, as the weight piled on so did his triglyceride and cholesterol levels. I was very concerned as obesity runs on his side of the family and he had an older brother who had a heart transplant in his early 30’s and passed away about 5 years ago while in his mid 40’s. The odds were not in his favor.

health benefits of coconut oil
On a Mission

In February, I started researching alternative ways to  help my husband and started doing lots of research. During this time, I discovered Coconut Oil and its amazing benefits.  I was amazed at what I discovered but wondered if it would really work. 

I decided to start off with my son who had bad Athlete’s Foot we had not been able to get rid of for months.  It was so bad his toes were cracking and bleeding. I started applying it all over his feet at night, wrapped them in a grocery store bag, and put socks on top of each foot. He would sleep with it on at night and after three weeks his athlete’s foot was completely gone. Coconut Oil did what numerous medicines we tried couldn’t do for him. 

We fell in love with this Coconut Oil (this oil is unrefined and virgin–this is important to know when choosing Coconut Oil) and started using it in everything and for everything.  We cook with it, brush our teeth with it, drink it, and even use it for rashes, bug bites, and much more I will share tomorrow.  Our kids are so amazed by it that they go and grab Coconut Oil when they have a rash or anything else.  


As you can see, there has been a major improvement in my husband’s total cholesterol levels. This has been without medication. We have eliminated processed foods and sugar and have incorporated whole foods and healthy fats (Coconut Oil, grass-fed butter, and Ghee).

According to Dr. Mercola, total cholesterol tells you absolutely nothing about your risk for heart disease. You need to look much deeper. What we really need to do is look at the following ratios. This will give us a better indication of our overall numbers and health. 

  • HDL/Cholesterol ratio: HDL percentage is a very potent heart disease risk factor. Just divide your HDL level by your total cholesterol. It should ideally be above .24, under .24 is low, and less than .10 is very dangerous.   
  • Triglyceride/HDL ratios: You can also do the same thing with your triglycerides and HDL ratio.  Just divide your Triglyceride by your HDL. It should be 2 or less to be considered ideal, 4 is high, and 6 is much too high. Since HDL (high density lipoprotein) is protective against heart disease, the lower the ratio, the better.  In other words, the lower your triglycerides, or the higher your HDL, the smaller this ratio becomes.  It is now believed that the triglycerides/HDL ratio is one of the most potent predictors of heart disease.  
  • Trends: Are your triglycerides going down over time? That’s great. Is your HDL trending up? Also good.  
  • Normal fluctuations: Your numbers can jump around 20-30 points in either direction between readings without it necessarily meaning anything.

Studies shows that Coconut Oil increases HDL (good cholesterol) and improves the cholesterol ratio. While it doesn’t reduce total cholesterol, it has a greater effect on HDL. When HDL and cholesterol ratio values are evaluated, Coconut Oil reduces the risk of heart disease.

For more than half of our married life, we were on a low-fat diet (using vegetable oils) and although my husband’s total cholesterol numbers were lower, we couldn’t get the HDL number up and his risk for heart disease was greater.  My husband’s doctors were always concerned about this especially since his brother had a Heart Transplant due to Coronary Heart Disease in his early 30’s.

Since incorporating Coconut Oil my husband’s numbers are now normal. Our doctor looked at the research we had done and said we were correct about needing to look at ratios instead of just total cholesterol and was very happy with his lab results.  We were told to continue doing what we were doing.

As you can see, this is more than just about losing weight. It’s about regaining your health one bite at a time. We are excited about finally being off the “weight loss roller coaster” and improving our health. My husband is working on his last 30 lbs. and has done a great job losing 65 lbs.


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little arrowYes! I want to learn more about how I can improve my health and lose weight for the last time. I’m tired of being on the “weight loss roller coaster” and gaining it all back. I’m serious about getting results and reclaiming my body and my health. I am interested in more information about your programs, including Individualized One-on-One Coaching. Please contact me to schedule a complimentary private consultation with you (an $87 value)!


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  1. I shared this on my FB

    • Thanks Donna.


  1. Is Coffee Sabotaging Your Weight Loss? | Add A Little Dazzle - […] awesome results after incorporating Coconut Oil into his daily food intake. You can read about it HERE.   We…

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