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Posted by on Sep 4, 2013 in 3D Projects | 3 comments

Does Your World Have a White Picket Fence?

Does Your World Have a White Picket Fence?  You know that world where your life is perfect and everything goes just as planned.  Unfortunately, my White Picket Fence World bubble was busted 10 years ago.  No matter how much I wanted everything to be perfect, it just didn’t happen that way.    Life is unpredictable!  What makes the difference is how we choose to react when life comes our way.  Where do you find your strength? I find my strength in God.  

Does Your World Have a White Picket Fence?My White Picket Fence World

As a child, I dreamed of getting married, having children, and living happily ever after in my White Picket Fence World.   I wanted a perfect life, a perfect house, and perfect children.  My life isn’t perfect, my house isn’t always spotless, and my children are not always well behaved. Honestly, sometimes I am moody and not so nice myself.  

The death of a child,  finances, loss of our house, and sickness have all come to my White Picket Fence World.   I have questioned why and the answer never comes right away.  Usually it comes after the storm has passed.  Then, I realize that all these things happened for a reason. One of the main things I have learned is to be more compassionate and loving. We are all on the same road called life and sometimes we just need to know somebody cares.  It is easy to get consumed in my world until life throws a curve ball.  Then, I am humbled to my knees in prayer and am reminded that I don’t live in a White Picket Fence World.  I can’t control everything!


Does Your World Have a White Picket Fence?

White Picket Fence Blog

My White Picket Fence Blog is that perfect place where all posts and projects go as planned.  In this place,  I sit happily at the computer, upload my project, and share it with the world.   All this while my “perfect 2 year old daughter” sits on my lap and kisses me while I happily type away.  In this world she doesn’t cry, poop, pee, or need to be fed all day long.  She just sits there as a happy baby letting mommy share her projects with the world.  Yes, I even have a perfectly organized and clean craft room!  All this while dinner is in the crockpot and the aroma fills the air. 

My Reality

There are days when posts and projects don’t go as planned. I don’t wake up and magically put together a project. There are days where frustration kicks in and I have to walk away. Then there are days like today, everything was ready to go and at the last minute I discovered all the measurements and instructions were wrong.  I had to start all over, and there was no time to redo it today. My White Picket Fence Blog World came tumbling down and reality set in. 

As a result, the gift box for the “Metal Embossed Poinsettia Ornament” will be available tomorrow.  Today I will spend the day correcting measurements and instructions. In addition, I will record a video to guide you through the process.  Meanwhile, I invite you to check out the “Metal Embossed Poinsettia” post and learn how to create the poinsettia now.  This will make the entire process much easier.

 Learn How to Make the Metal Embossed Poinsettia HERE

Does Your World Have a White Picket Fence?

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Where Do You Turn When Your White Picket Fence World Comes Tumbling Down?


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  1. I turn to my faith and my friends.

  2. I turn to my prayers. I also have a silent chat with my late husband, Robert. He passed away seven years ago. It was his second bout with cancer. We were making a budget for me. I said I’d have to give up Stampin’ Up because I was a hobby demonstrator and I couldn’t see how I could afford the qt. minimum orders. I’d never had shows. He replied, “No, we’ll take something else out of the budget. I don’t care if you ever sell a stamp to anyone. You’re going to need something like this. You enjoy it and like people. I want you to keep it!” That was his last gift to me. Today I am a manager with three stamp clubs and two more people waiting to join under me. I had my “White Pickett Fence” later in life with Robert, for 16 years. It did collapse when he passed. However, I’m rebuilding a new fence, a different type maybe, but with God’s guidance and a silent word or two from Robert in my dreams at night, I’m finding my way with Stampin’ Up. I enjoy following your posts. I was very worried when I read the first few words from you today. I wasn’t aware of your other blog. I’m hoping this finds your day better, and that you are feeing brighter. May Peace Be With You, Carol S 🙂

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