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Posted by on May 19, 2015 in Health, Food, & Crafting | 4 comments

Are You Sabotaging Your Body Like I Did?

Are You Sabotaging Your Body Like I Did? This is one of the most difficult posts I have ever written.  Telling your story about living as a Morbidly Obese person is never easy.  Even more difficult is sharing my picture that NOBODY on the internet has ever seen. It feels like I am facing the world naked and letting it all out.  If this post can give one person hope, then it is worth sharing.  Join me today as I share my story, journey, and some exciting news with you.   

final collageAct of Desperation

As many of you know, I have been on a weight loss journey for the past 2 years.  The truth is this journey has been over 20+ years. You know how it goes. You go on a diet, starve, lose weight, and promise never to gain the weight back. Then, before you know it the weight piles back on and more. That’s my life story ALWAYS living on a “diet”  and feeling like a FAILURE ONCE AGAIN.

In January 2002, I took the most drastic measure to lose weight. I had RNY Gastric Bypass Surgery. I would have never considered this option BUT I was desperate.  I became infertile weighing in at 278 lbs. and had two ex-boyfriends who told me ONLY they could love somebody that looked like me.     

Gastric Bypass promised that I would never feel STARVATION AGAIN.  I could eat small amounts and feel full.   The truth is that surgery was NOT an easy fix and the weight DID NOT fall off. This surgery taught me NOTHING about eating or how to live a healthy life.  Yes, I lost the weight BUT I was NOT HEALTHY.

pant picture 2Not this Time

After the birth of my son, I joined Weight Watchers to take off the pregnancy weight. At this point, Gastric Bypass didn’t work because I knew NOTHING about how to lose weight on my own. Surgery FORCED me to eat less, but that was it. 

Thankfully, I was able to take off all the weight and even became a Weight Watcher’s leader. Then when I was at my lowest weight, I became pregnant with my oldest daughter and “knew” I could take it off just like I did with my son. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case and my body wouldn’t work with me.  

I had done so much hormonal damage to my body with 20+ years of “yo-yo dieting” and Gastric Bypass Surgery that my body shut down. It didn’t matter what I did the weight would not come off instead it started piling on once again.  

before and after 2Starting All Over Again

Reality hit when I was diagnosed pre-diabetic and I was getting closer to being at my beginning weight of 278 lbs. My children were getting older and I couldn’t enjoy being active with them. Getting on an amusement park ride was no longer possible. I didn’t fit in the seat and the handlebar wouldn’t come down. 

Thankfully, I found an endocrinologist that listened to me and started by helping me control my sugar spikes and lows with medication. Even though I lost weight following the Weight Watchers program, my health DID NOT improve.  I was eating less and losing weight BUT I wasn’t eating fueling my body with the proper nutrients.

In my search for an answer, I discovered Beyond Fit Mom and joined this amazing community to learn about eating. I FINALLY discovered that the food I was eating all these years was not only destroying my health but that of my entire family.  As soon as I made the necessary changes, my body started healing and I continued losing weight.

closeup 2New Life and New Direction

Throughout my journey, I have received lots of emails from women who are struggling with their weight and have lost hope.  Many told me the day they received my email they had just told God they were giving up and then my email came and gave them a glimmer of hope. 

Nobody understands the struggle.  It wasn’t from a lack of trying. The problem was that it wasn’t a sustainable way of life. Food was always bland, tasteless, and not filling. I have finally learned the secret to losing weight without starvation and deprivation. In the process, I have regained my health and our family hasn’t been to the doctor in a VERY LONG TIME.



It doesn’t matter if you have 50 or 150+ pounds to lose, I understand the struggle.  I have been on the “weight loss roller coaster” all of my life. For the first time, I am able to keep off my 133 lb. weight loss without starvation and deprivation.

This is NOT another diet, it’s a totally different approach that will not only help you lose weight but help you regain your health from the inside out.

I invite you to join me and let me walk hand in hand with you to help you fight and win this battle.  I am committed to helping you succeed and providing you with the necessary tools and support.  


Get Started With Your FREE One-on-One Consultation!

little arrowYes! I want to learn more about how I can improve my health and lose weight for the last time. I’m tired of being on the “weight loss roller coaster” and gaining it all back. I’m serious about getting results and reclaiming my body and my health. I am interested in more information about your programs, including Individualized One-on-One Coaching.

Please fill out the form below and lets schedule a FREE complimentary private consultation with you (an $87 value)!



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  1. Wow, Monica!

    VERY brave telling your personal story! I’m so proud of your hard work and all of the research you’ve put into learning what works!



    • Thanks for your kind words and always being supportive. I feel very passionate about this and wish I could help everybody. It has changed our lives in such a way that is beyond words and now we are passing that knowledge to our children and they are learning how to listen to their bodies. Our bodies are amazing creations of God.

  2. I congratulate you on this remarkable achievement! You should be very proud of yourself for what you have done. And the fact that you want to help others is to be commended.

    • Thanks for your kind words Judy. I know the despair and feeling of hopelessness that comes from feeling you have no self-control. I wish I knew what I know now when I was younger and I wouldn’t have had to go through everything I did.


  1. Transparency in 2105 | Add A Little Dazzle - […] diabetes, anemia, and painful joints to name a few.  On May 19, 2015  I shared this POST about my…

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