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Posted by on Apr 3, 2013 in Metal 101, Tools and Tips |

What Stampin’ Up! Colors Coordinate With Your Craft Metal Sheets?

What Stampin’ Up! Colors Coordinate with Your Craft Metal Sheets?  is a common question we receive all the time.    Throughout the years, our readers contact us on a regular basis with this question.  We are excited to tell you that we have created a beautiful chart that lists all the Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheet Colors and the Stampin’ Up! Colors that coordinate. This chart will help you know exactly what will look good without the need to guess what coordinates.

What Stampin' Up! Colors Coordinate With Your Craft Metal Sheets?

The Add a Little Dazzle Color Coordination Chart is a wonderful tool that will allow you to know first hand what Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheet Colors coordinate with Stampin’ Up! Colors.  We know how difficult it can be to plan for your crafting needs without knowing what will coordinate and so we came up with the perfect solution.   

This coordination chart lists all craft metal sheet colors Add a Little Dazzle carries along with each Stampin’ Up! Color.  We have divided it all by color family to make it easy to use as a resource tool.  We have listed all our craft metal sheet colors on the left hand side and have created columns that list each Stampin’ Up! color that it coordinates with.

We have taken all the guess work and put together this wonderful chart for you.  This chart is the perfect resource tool to keep handy when you are designing for an upcoming project or class and you need to choose which metal sheet color to use and order in bulk.


Organize Your Metal Sheets with Stampin’ Up! Colors


1.  CLICK HERE to access and print your Metal Sheet Sampler Chart.

2.  CLICK HERE to access and print your Color Coordination Chart.

3. Place in a clear page protector.


Do You Have a Craft Metal Sampler Chart?

In order to get you started, we offer a great Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheet Sampler Pack.  This package includes one sheet of each of our colors. This sampler pack is offered at a reduced price. You can purchase as many sampler packs as you like. This is a great way to get your hands on all our metal sheet colors economically.


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