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Posted by on Oct 29, 2013 in Cards | 1 comment

What Are You Thankful For?

What Are You Thankful For?  As I sit back and reflect on my life, I have so much to be thankful for.  Life is far from perfect and it has its rocky moments but what a blessing it is to be alive.  I know things can be better, but I also know they can be worst.  I choose to be thankful for the things and people in my life.  How about you?

What Are You Thankful For?Tis the Season

The holidays has a way of bringing happiness and sadness in our lives.  Maybe you have recently lost your job, have poor health, have rebellious teenagers, a broken marriage, or a loved one who recently passed away.  It’s easy to feel bad when you’re going through a tough time in life. But no matter how bad things may seem, there are countless things to be grateful for.

I am Grateful For

As I look upon this year, I have so much to be grateful for.  So much has happened in our home this year and I am truly grateful to God for His faithfulness through it all.  There were things that happened that would make one start to wonder what am I doing wrong, but through it all we realized it was a growing process.  We learned not to take the simple things for granted and learned to truly be grateful in the midst of the storm. It wasn’t an easy thing to do but through it all we knew God was with us.

What Are You Thankful For?
Thanks From Us

As I was writing this post, I decided that I am going to make this card for 10 people I am thankful for.  I think so many times we think in our hearts and our minds how thankful we are but we never speak the words.  It is important that we speak words of thankfulness and truly let others know what they mean to us.  

This card is very easy to recreate and mass produce and is a perfect handmade card for fall, thank you, or Thanksgiving.  With some beautiful Die Cuts, Impressions Folders, and Add a Little Dazzle Metal Sheets you can make this card in a matter of minutes. Download our FREE pdf tutorial and learn how to make this beautiful card.  

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  Don’t Let Your Words of Thankfulness Go Unspoken!

Order Metal Sheets Here and Make This Card for Thanksgiving!


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1 Comment

  1. T thank the Lord for bringing me thru a bad stroke the Drs said I am a walking Miracle Lady! I should have been paralyzed in bed with a feeding tube etc. My sis had one later and she was paralyzed and could not eat or talk or walk just bedfast! Oh how I thank my Lord every morning and night so glad I am up walking and talking and we read our bible every morning and have prayer for our family , our Pastor and family, our church , our Gov, our President and all our leaders the senate the congressman and judges etc. God tells us to pray for our leaders. God is good ! All the time ! My left carotid artery was 70 % filled with plaque it never will empty out at all but the Dr tested me twice in two days to be sure before he would believe it as he says that is another Miracle!
    I was only 30% full now so see ladies how God works if we stay true to Him and serve Him each and every day He does great things for us the Bible says in Mark 11:24 ” If we believe when we
    pray, we shall receive what we pray for. I believe God’s Word! He dissolved my blood clot I had also from my stroke. We have to have Faith as a grain of mustard seed the Bible also says and He will answer our prayers. I am so happy, I could shout it from our housetop! My hubby now has cancer but our church prayed and we did and the Dr said it is all contained in one small area he is have treatments and when they are through the Dr said he would be a cancer survivor Praise God!!

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