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Posted by on Jul 17, 2014 in Metal 101 | 2 comments

Use This and Your Mixed Media Projects Will Thank You

Use This and Your Mixed Media Projects Will Thank You. When you think of products to use on Mixed Media what comes to mind? Distress Inks, Gesso, Gelatos, Crackle Paint, Alcohol Ink, Paints, Embossing Paste? There are so many products on the market that are a perfect fit with Mixed Media projects. I love them all, but I recently discovered a product I have fallen in love with even more.  This product is so versatile and easy to use that your Mixed Media Projects will thank you for using it.  Discover this product that will make you look like a mixed media expert.

Use This and Your Mixed Media Projects Will Thank You-www.addalittledazzle.comWhat Is It?

Mixed Media tends to refer to the use of different mediums in the creation of one work. For example, combining Gesso, Alcohol Inks, and Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets to create an altered notebook.  The fun thing about creating mixed media projects is that you can use anything you want and you can combine as many or as little products as you want.

Mixed Media allows you to express yourself in a completely different way because there is no wrong or right way of creating. It’s all about what you are feeling and want to express in your project at that time.

Use This and Your Mixed Media Projects Will Thank You-www.addalittledazzle.comEasy as 1,2,3

There are so many products on the market. When I search the internet I feel overwhelmed as I have no idea how to use them.  As I was working with eclectic Paperie, I discovered a product that changed the way I looked at Mixed Media.

This product made creating mixed media projects easy for me. I am no expert and honestly I have never wanted to give mixed media a try until I discovered this amazing product.  I love not needing to have any fancy tools. My fingers are my paintbrushes and there are no limits to what I can paint on with this product.  I love getting messy and the finished piece of art.   


Want to Create Mixed Media Projects the Easy Way?
Watch This Video!

Start Creating Mixed Media Projects the Easy Way!

Order Viva Decor Inka Gold

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  1. That’s a pretty cool project, Monica! What keeps the Inka Gold stuff from coming off the metal when you handle the finished project? Do you seal it with something?

    • Donna,

      Once it is dry, it is stuck on there. I wouldn’t worry about it if you are using it for card making kind of projects. If you are wanting to use this product on furniture or pieces that you want to last, then I would spray it with an acrylic sealer.

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