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Posted by on Oct 10, 2014 in 3D Projects, Cards, Updates | 5 comments

Only 10 Fridays Left Until Christmas

Only 10 Fridays Left Until Christmas.  Did you realize there are only 10 Fridays left until Christmas? Are you already in a panic? Are you wondering where you are going to find the time for everything you have to do? Honestly, I am trying to think of ways to simplify my life this holiday season while not panicking.  This week, I pulled out a fun tool I purchased a few months ago and was scared to touch.  I can’t believe I waited this long as this is going to be my lifesaver this holiday season. The great thing is I can use it with Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets. Join me today and find out more about my fun new gadget.  

Only 10 Fridays Left Until Christmas-www.addalittledazzle.comIt’s Coming

Christmas is coming! It’s coming too fast this year. I have no idea how I am going to get it all done.  I am a perfectionist and it drives me crazy to feel the stress coming on.  One thing I have realized is I can’t let it get the best of me. 

Whether I like it or not, it’s coming and so what I have to do is PLAN and keep it SIMPLE.  I can hear those that know me laughing right now and saying, “Monica, nothing you do is ever simple.”. Well, I am definitely going to try this year and with the help of my handy dandy new fun tool I think I can do it. Want to see what it is?


Only 10 Fridays Left Until Christmas-www.addalittledazzle.comMy New Toy

Let me introduce you to the Silhouette Cameo.  I purchased this baby a few months ago and was scared to touch it.  It sat with its pretty dust cover in my office for a few months. Then, some of my Dazzling Diva Design Team members found out I had one and encouraged me to pull it out.

Why did I wait to so long to pull this baby out? This machine is AMAZING! With my limited knowledge I have been able to create some amazing gift boxes for the holidays.

It was actually SO EASY my children helped. My son came home from school saying he thought about the machine all day and what we could do with it. Guess what we’re doing this weekend? 🙂


Only 10 Fridays Left Until Christmas-www.addalittledazzle.comInspiration on Its Way

This coming week Add a Little Dazzle and Fancy Pants Designs will be working together to share some amazing projects with you using Add a Little Dazzle Metal Sheets and the beautiful Fancy Pants Designs Paper Packs.  We have an amazing lineup of inspiration for you.

Did you know you can cut Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets with the Silhouette? Well, get ready because you will get a glimpse of Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets cut with the Silhouette as I combine it with the beautiful Fancy Pants Paper Packs.  Get ready to take your crafting to the next level. 

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Place Your Order for
Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets Today  



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  1. I use my daughter’s cameo. Not as great as having one at home and always available, but still fun. Love making stencils.

  2. My Silhouette Cameo is my go to machine. I have heard others say they cut the metal sheets on it but wasn’t sure of the blade setting. I would love to see some projects too!! I also have the portrait for
    traveling. If I don’t understand something I look on Utube for a tutorial. Then if I’m still stuck I call Silhouette. They are great to help. I get intimidated by my Cricut Explore, which is still in the box!! Yikes!

  3. Please post some of your projects that you have made with the Cameo. I’m thinking of getting one but don’t know how hard it is to operate or how much I would really use it.

  4. I can hardly wait to see what you going to do with this new machine!!

  5. I bought a Cameo 2 years ago and even though it is sitting on my desk, I haven’t used it more than once or twice because I just can’t figure it out. I keep saying I am going to make the time to do so but it intimidates me!! LOL I think next week will be the perfect time to sit down and take charge of my fear and just DO IT!!! Thanks for the inspiration and I look forward to next week’s hop!

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