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Posted by on Oct 19, 2015 in Updates | 10 comments

New Beginnings are Never Easy….

New Beginnings are Never Easy especially when you face the unknown.  This has been my life this summer.  As I looked over my life during the summer months, I knew there were changes that needed to be made but coming to terms with that was not easy because I knew there were things I would have to give up. Then, one day while talking to my coach on the phone I realized that in order to move forward I had to let go of certain things and that it would be ok.  


Many of you of have followed Add a Little Dazzle from its humble beginnings and have gotten to know my family and have seen my kids grow up.  Today, my oldest son Kevin turned 21 and on Saturday, Matthew will be 11. My daughter Isabella is now 8 and Rebecca is 4 (almost 5). Where did the time go?  It went by too fast and my babies are growing up. 

For the past couple of years, I have dealt with many health issues and had 3 surgeries between the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015. It was really an eye opening moment and made me realize how short life can be.  We are here today and gone tomorrow. 

Thankfully, after my last surgery in March 2015 I have done well and have not had any more hospital related health issues. After my last scare in October 2014, I had to take my recovery slowly to avoid anything from going wrong.  I had to listen to my body and allow myself to heal.  


In America, many of us equate being skinny with being “healthy”.  I am living proof that this isn’t true. Although I have lost a total of 136 lbs. to date, I am still healing on the inside from the lifetime of damage I did to my body. The sad thing is I didn’t even know I was hurting my body.  

I can’t change my beginning BUT I can change my ending.  I want the rest of my life to be different.  Getting older doesn’t mean having to be in pain with aching muscles, bones, joints, migraine headaches, and unable to enjoy being active with my children.

It means changing my life and creating it to be the one I always dreamed of having.  I want to create a new ending free of pain and full of wellness enjoying my life to the fullest with my family and loved ones. 


The changes we have made in what we eat, drink, and how we care for our bodies has been a game changer for our family.  We have come to realize that we need to balance all areas of our lives so we can live the lives God created us to live. 

Our desire is to share with you our journey and empower you to reclaim your life.  We are seeking God as he helps us balance all areas of our lives including faith, fitness, finances, family, food, and fun through our new blog we are launching soon called Revived Wellness.  

This blog will cover all these areas listed above and we will even have CRAFTING FUN. Yes, I love crafting and so that will be brought into the mix.  Sign up for our Revived Wellness Mailing List!

TIME TO SAY GOODBYETime to Say Goodbye

Sometimes in order to move forward, we have to let go of things we hold dear to our hearts.  After much prayer and consideration, it is time to close the doors of Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.

I want to thank you for your years of business and the friendships made along the way. We have loved sharing our craft metal sheet creations with you and have loved seeing your beautiful creations.

We are very passionate about sharing what we have learned in our journey to wellness and in order to do that we must give it our full attention.  Revived Wellness will be a family effort and so you will get to know my children and husband on a more personal level as they will be in the videos and posts we share.   

Last Chance!!!

We are selling ALL our Craft Metal Sheet inventory.  Once we are sold out, we will not restock and the order button will notify you that we are SOLD OUT!!!

Purchase your Craft Metal Sheets now and get stocked up for your beautiful holiday creations!!!


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  1. I am sorry to hear you are closing the door. But you KNOW God opens a window somewhere else. I wish you many blessings in your next endeavor.

    • Elaine,

      Thank you for your kind words. It was a very tough decision to make but we are confident that we made the right one. I invite you to sign up for our new blog as you will get to know us on a more personal level as we truly share our lives and our hearts and what God is doing in our lives. Hugs, Monica

  2. Hi Monica
    Thank you for your update. I’m sad to see you leave buisness. But I’m sure you made the right decision. I wish you and your family all the best and much happiness .
    Sending hugs and thank you for all the inspiration you have shared over time… Monica

    • Monica, thank you so much for your kind message. Yes, my husband and I are confident we made the right decision for our family and are excited about the doors that are opening for us as we open our new blog We invite you to sign up and be a part of it as we share our hearts and lives with you and you get to know us on a more personal level. Hugs, Monica

  3. I was just thinking I havent heard from you lately! Im glad you are well and moving forward with your return to health for your family. I had a life change yself tbis summer and still recovering from all the changes. God is in co trol certainly apllies!

    • Roberta,

      Glad to hear from you. Have been thinking about you. Will email you so we can chat. Would love to hear from you. Hugs!! Monica

  4. wishing you all the best Monica! i’ll miss your tutorials and wonderful metal sheets. would you be able to tell us where you get them so we can continue to purchase? thank you for all your inspiration!

    • Jeannine,

      I had them manufactured and they aren’t available for the public to purchase. Honestly, your best bet is to get them now before they are gone. Thanks Jeannine and please feel free to email me if I can be of further assistance.

  5. best wishes in all that you do.

    • Thank you Colleen. We hope you will follow us on our new blog as we have some exciting things in store including crafting. 🙂 It will be a mixture of things and geared towards bringing balance to our lives.

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