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Posted by on Oct 30, 2013 in Metal 101 | 3 comments

Metal 101: #2 How to Unwrinkle Craft Metal Sheets

Metal 101: #2 How to Unwrinkle Craft Metal Sheets is the second video in this new series.  We are excited about all the positive response we have received and look forward to continue growing our resource library. Join us today as we answer a very common question we receive from our customers.  

Metal 101: #2 How to Unwrinkle Craft Metal Sheets
It’s Magical

I love receiving emails from our customers who just received their shipment of Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.  They are always excited!  Once they open their package, some customers jump right in and others become fearful. Honestly, the number one concern is that of damaging the craft metal sheets. They are concerned that if they don’t handle them correctly they will be damaged. The truth is they can’t be damaged!    

Once they get past the initial fear, they quickly discover how easy craft metal sheets are to work with and fall in love with them. They realize there was no need to be fearful as it is pretty much like working with card stock.  Customers are always amazed at the difference adding some craft metal sheet to their project makes and become quickly hooked.  They actually say, “It’s Magical!”.  


Metal 101: #2 How to Unwrinkle Craft Metal Sheets

Now What?

1.  You have found a new LOVE!

2. You have piles of scraps!

3.  You wonder how to care for your metal sheets!

You will find that when you handle metal sheets you may bend a corner or a little more.   Many people become concerned that their sheets are damaged. The GREAT NEWS is that they aren’t!   It doesn’t matter if a corner or larger area is bent. It is still usable.  All you need is a handy tool every crafter has in their craft room and you are set to go.  Watch today’s video and learn what handy tool I use to unwrinkle my Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.



Order Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets HERE!


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  1. Does your Backing paste work the same as glue?

    • No, glue doesn’t harden over time and Backing Paste will and it will take the shape of the filled area.

  2. what kind of glue do you use for the metal sheets?


  1. FAQ About Craft Metal Sheets - Add A Little Dazzle - […] Tutorial #2 How to Unwrinkle Craft Metal Sheets VIEW HERE […]

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