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Posted by on Jun 27, 2014 in 3D Projects, Cards, Dazzling Diva Challenge, Updates | 2 comments

Make Your DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate

Make Your DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate. Do you see the work of crafting experts and wish you could create beautiful cards like them?  Do you spend hours trying to come up with unique designs and card making ideas?  Do you wish card making ideas came easy to you?  Join me today and find out how you can make your DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate.  Be the envy of card makers everywhere.

Make Your DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate-www.addalittledazzle.comFirst DIY Cards

When I first began card making I was intimated by all the beautiful DIY Cards I saw on the internet. I never felt I could create cards like the ones I saw in the magazines or popular blog sites.  Honestly, I never felt I could create anything people would love. Have you ever felt that way?

As my card making evolved, I found my niche and style.  I loved being able to see DIY Cards on the internet and giving them my own twist with Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.  Even though I loved what I was creating, I still wanted to take it up a notch.  I wanted to make my DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate.    

Make Your DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate-www.addalittledazzle.comEmbracing Mixed Media

Even though I enjoy making DIY Cards with my style, I know there is so much more out there.  I am starting to embrace different styles.  Some I am fighting a little harder than others.  Can you relate?

The one I thought I would NEVER embrace was Mixed Media.  I told my friend at Stamps and Scrapbooks  that was her thing and I would never do it.  Well, I guess that is changing because I enjoyed getting my fingers inky this past week.  Want to see what I created? Check Out Day 1 and Day 2 of the eclectic Paperie and Add a Little Dazzle Blog Hop.  

Do you like mixed media, Clean and Simple, cutesy, or elegant?  I am excited to tell you I have an amazing design team that has a mixture of all these styles and much more. Our goal is to inspire you with different styles of card making using Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.

Make Your DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate-www.addalittledazzle.comNew Inspiration Board

In order to inspire you and help you Make Your DIY Cards as Desirable as Chocolate, we have created a design team Pinterest Board.  Here you will find all our creations using Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.

We invite you to follow our board and share it with your friends.  This board is full of inspiration and creativity.  Lets inspire each other as we strive towards Making Our Cards as Desirable as Chocolate. Be the envy of your card making friends.

Follow Our Board HERE!


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  1. Now you have a Pinterest board? Pinterest? Seriously? The place I vowed never to go because I knew it would lead to nothing but trouble? Ok I’m in. I’ll have to tie a rope to my leg so that my husband will be able to pull me out every on e in a while, but here I go!!

    • Donna,

      I vowed to NEVER do mixed media. 🙂 That’s what happens when we say we will never do something. 🙂

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