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Posted by on Apr 6, 2015 in Motivational Monday | 4 comments

Life is a Gift

Life is a Gift. Our life on earth is a special gift from God. Stop for a moment and think of this special gift you have been given to live another day. Many are facing difficult situations in life right now and may even be struggling with depression and feel like giving up. Meanwhile, there are those at death’s bed fighting for another day of life. Fighting to have one more breath to spend with those they love.  Yet, we are alive and that is truly a gift from God. What are you doing with that gift today?

LifE is a gift

Putting Things in Perspective

Welcome to Motivational Monday. It all started back on St. Patrick’s Day when I was going in for hernia repair surgery. As I was headed to the hospital, I thought to myself how I needed to call my great aunt and let her know at what time I would be going in for surgery. 

Then, reality hit me as for a minute I had forgotten that she had passed away 2 1/2 years earlier a few days after Thanksgiving. My eyes filled with tears as I was reminded that she was no longer with us. How I wished at that moment that I could just have her there with me to tell me it would be ok. How I longed to hear her call me “Moniquita”.  It reminded me how quickly things can change. One minute we are here and the next one we are gone. “Life is truly a gift.” 

kidsDaily Life

There are days when my husband and I feel overwhelmed by our daily responsibilities with our jobs and family life. Honestly, there are days where we are up late at night taking caring of things once the kids are in bed. On days like those, it seems like the kids seem to be louder, fight more, and we are less patient. 

Then, I call a friend to vent and she reminds me of her empty home. Her kids are grown and living their own lives. Quickly my life is put back in perspective and I am reminded what a blessing it is to have my crazy life with all the screaming, fighting, toys everywhere, and not perfectly clean house.

Life with our children is a beautiful gift God has given us and we need to enjoy it. Our children don’t care about giving them expensive things or where we live. They care about spending time with us. Whether it is going to the pool, playing a board game, going for a walk, or just simply snuggling and letting them know how much we love them.  That is what is truly important in life.  

Sometimes we get so caught up with everything that is going wrong in our lives that we forget about those things that are going right. We forget to count our blessings. The GIFT OF LIFE of our loved ones, friends, and even our own life. We need to be a blessing to others through the gift of our life.

We need to learn to be a little more patient, a little more loving, and a little more giving.  Life is a beautiful gift and we need to enjoy it everyday.  It’s the small moments that will one day be the big moments we can’t relive.  


How Are Blessing Others Through the Gift of  Your Life Today? 

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  1. Thank you Monica for your beautiful posts. I’d love for you to share your inspirations with us at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!

    You have such a beautiful spirit. I hope you have a lovely and blessed week!

    P.S. I just received my craft package – thank you so much! 🙂

  2. My parents are both gone and I still go to call them to tell them this or that. We had great times together and I cherish those memories. I’ve always liked the saying, ” If you want to be blessed, be a blessing!” I strive for that.

    • Donna,

      What a great saying to live by. You are truly a blessing. Thanks for your friendship.


  3. You’re so right, Monica! As an Empty Nester Mom, I totally understand both the craziness of family life and how quickly it goes by. Enjoy these moments! I promise, you’ll miss the noise and the chaos!

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