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Posted by on Jan 2, 2015 in Updates | 4 comments

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2015 at Add a Little Dazzle.  We are officially two days into the New Year and are already busy planning exciting things!  We are thankful to God for each of you and helping us make 2014 an amazing year. We look forward to even better 2015 and look forward to sharing more with our friends and customers.

usAs we begin 2015, Michael and I would like to personally thank you for your support during 2014.  It was an amazing year of growth for us and we thank you for helping make that possible.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our blog this past year! Thank you for blessing us with your friendship, encouraging words, daily visits to our blog, and your continued support of our business. We appreciate each of you!

We wish you and your family a happy, blessed, uplifting, and amazing New Year!  May God Bless You and your loved ones above and beyond anything you can ever imagine.

We look forward to an even more amazing year of sharing and getting to know each of you in 2015.

Have a Blessed New Year!

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  1. Happy New Year to both of you!

    • Thank you Nancy. May you have a marvelous New Year!

  2. Happy new year dear friend and might I say you look marvelous!

    • Thanks Donna. Happy New Year to you. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed year. Thanks for being my friend. 🙂

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