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Posted by on Jan 17, 2014 in Metal 101 |

FAQ About Craft Metal Sheets

FAQ About Craft Metal Sheets.  Are you new to my blog?  Are you tossing back and forth with the idea of using Craft Metal Sheets?  Everybody loves the look of  them, but the truth is that many people are scared to give them a try. They are worried about cutting themselves, using them properly, damaging the craft metal sheets and much more.  These are common concerns and as a result we started a new series last year.  Join me today and let me answer some of your questions.

FAQ About Craft Metal Sheets
It’s That Easy?

Once crafters start working with Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets they always ask, “It’s That Easy”?  Once they realize how easy it is, they regret waiting so long to begin working with them.  Honestly, once you start you can’t stop using craft metal sheets. They can become quite addicting and the beautiful finished looked makes crafters use them in their art.

If you know how to work with card stock, then you can work with them.  Honestly, it really is that easy.  There are a few things you need to do differently but besides that it is pretty much like working with card stock.

FAQ About Craft Metal Sheets

Metal #101 Series

In 2013, I started a series Metal #101. I added this as a resource area where you can go back and refer to when in question about how to use Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.  It is a growing resource library and I will continue to add to it on a weekly basis.

Since we started this series, we have added over 1,000 followers to our newsletter and site and so today is the perfect day to review and/or refresh yourself on some basics.

  • Tutorial #1 How to Cut Craft Metal Sheets VIEW HERE
  • Tutorial #2 How to Unwrinkle Craft Metal Sheets VIEW HERE
  • Tutorial #3 How to Emboss and Deboss Craft Metal Sheets VIEW HERE 
  • Tutorial #4  Adhesive for Craft Metal Sheets Part 1 VIEW HERE
  • Tutorial #5 Adhesives Part 2 VIEW HERE

 Ready to Give Craft Metal Sheets a Try?

Order Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets HERE!

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Dazzling Diva Challenge #28