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Posted by on Sep 21, 2014 in 3D Projects, Collaborations, Health, Food, & Crafting | 7 comments

Are You Dreading the Holidays?

Are You Dreading the Holidays? The holidays are fast approaching and it’s a dreaded time of year to watch the scale. The cookie exchange, the potluck, the department luncheon are coming soon.  If you are not careful it can get out of hand and by the time the holidays are over you will have a few unwanted extra pounds. Join me today as I kick off a new series I will be showcasing throughout the holiday season teaching you how to make delicious treats/food without sacrificing taste or the waistline. Plus, I will tie in crafting into the beautiful presentation. Let’s have some fun!!!

pumpkin butter 1Did You Have Fun?

Last week we had an amazing blog hop with Stampendous. It was filled with lots of exciting projects everyday and then we had a Grand Finale on Friday.  If you missed it, you still have time to join in and hop around and enter for a chance to win one of six prize packs.

For some odd reason, my post wasn’t emailed until late Friday night so a lot of people never received notification that I posted. As a result, I have extended comments until Monday, September 22nd to give you a chance to hop around.  Know of somebody who would love to see all our projects? Share this post with them and tell them to join in on the fun!

Did You Miss the Previous Days of the Blog Hop?

Here is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday

it startsStill on My Journey

For those of you who have been following me for quite some time, you know that my husband and I have been on a weight loss journey since June 2013.  We have traveled this journey before but this time it was different as he was diagnosed diabetic and I was diagnosed pre-diabetic.

After the birth of my oldest daughter 7 years ago, my body shut down and no matter what I did I couldn’t lose the baby weight. I knew everything to do as I was a Weight Watchers Leader during my entire pregnancy with her. I helped 100’s of people every week, yet I couldn’t even help myself.  Everytime I went to the doctor, I left with no answers.

Then, six years later I walked into my Endricronologist’s office 61 lbs. heavier without a clue of what to do.  Three days earlier (on my birthday), I cried to God and asked Him that all I wanted for my birthday was help in losing weight.  My Heavenly Father loves me so much and He heard my cry.

I finally found a doctor who listened to me and helped me.  We found the issue, I was put on medication to help with my pre-diabetic symptoms, and got back on the Weight Watchers Program. For the first time in 6 years the weight started coming off again. I cried as I couldn’t believe it was finally coming off.  To date, I have lost 44 lbs. and am 17 lbs. from goal. My husband has lost 65 lbs. and is 35 lbs. from goal. Pictures coming soon! 

pumpkin butter 4Don’t Sacrifice Taste

I love food and there is one thing I have learned and it’s that I will not sacrifice taste.  The holidays are definitely one of those times in which I hold even more true to this. Why? I don’t want to feel deprived. I don’t want to be tempted to grab the unhealthy items because I feel deprived.

In order to avoid that, I make sure to make healthy, low point foods and treats that will allow me to enjoy eating in moderation without adding the extra pounds. This Pumpkin Butter Recipe is delicious and allows me to enjoy myself while eating something that is good for me.  

  • 1 (29 ounce) can of Pumpkin Puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup Apple Juice
  • 1 cup packed Brown Sugar (Splenda Brown Sugar Blend or Agave can be substituted)
  • 2 tsp. Cinnamon
  • 2 tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice (to taste) 


1. Place all ingredients into a large saucepan and stir well.

2. When the mixture comes to a boil, reduce to medium-low heat for 30 to 40 minutes.

3. Place Pumpkin Butter in sterilized jars and store in the refrigerator.

Note: Pumpkin Butter can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. You can also freeze the Pumpkin Butter.  *USDA recommends AGAINST canning pumpkin butter.

This is the perfect recipe for your upcoming holiday gathering! Enjoy eating this holiday season without feeling deprived.  Spread this over an English Muffin, Bagel, Pumpkin Pancakes, and so much more….

 Ready to Start Creating Some Beautiful Metal Leaves?
Order the Stampendous Blog Hop Special.


Do You Dread Holiday Eating?
Leave Me a Comment and Tell Me What Food Is Your Weakness.

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  1. First of all, Monica, I am so happy for you that you found a doctor who would listen and was able to help you. I went through the same thing when I turned 40- nothing I did – diet, exercise, personal trainer,- NOTHING would make the weight come off and I just kept gaining. I had tried Weight Watchers & Jenny Craig & pretty much every diet plan out there, plus exercising 2 hours a day. I hated myself and my various doctors kept telling me it was depression, or hormones or I just wasn’t working hard enough. It was discouraging and I just gave up at one point. My insurance would never send me to an endocrinologist. I kept praying and asking the Lord for direction. This year, I went back to Weight Watchers and the Simple Start program and also The 17 Day Diet which is a similar plan written by a doctor with my insurance. (It’s not just 17 days, but cycles of 17 days). I also told the Lord I would be patient, and I would change my eating however He showed me for good- not have an end time in sight. For the first time in 15 years the weight started to come off. I went off of sugar and simple carbs and wheat to see how it made me feel. It made all the difference for me and I feel 100% better. I don’t crave those things anymore; I was a sugar addict for sure, even though I was eating things within my points or calories. I just want to encourage Roberta that a pound a week is perfect for losing weight. It gives you a chance to make permanent changes in your lifestyle and your mindset. I found that a lot of it is mental- being willing to accept that there may be things you can’t eat- they just don’t work with your body. All the glory goes to God – I have lost 43 pounds and have about 30 to go. Hang in there ladies, you’re doing great! And I love your idea, Monica, of making healthy treats & gifts and packaging them so beautifully!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss. I’m right there with you. Thanks for sharing the recipe too! I can almost taste it!!
    My weakness is the cookies! I LOVE baking cookies but then there they are in front of me… I can’t give them away fast enough!!

  3. Thanks for the yummy recipe, Monica! I love the packaging! Your blog hop projects ROCKED this week!

  4. WOW! Congratulations on your weight loss! I would love to see my scale go down instead of up. My downfalls are rolls, potato, gravy, stuffing, marshmallow covered yams, turkey, ham, pies, fudge, candies, and just about any other “holiday” treat there is!! LOL I just love to eat all of the delicious goodies that we only make a couple times a year!

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss!! I am trying to loose 20 pounds right now and I am not having a lot of luck. I have only lost 4 pounds in one month. I went to a nutritionist and went low carb…thought it would help but I just don’t seem to have any fat burning going on and I’m only eating 1200 calories a day and under 135 carbs a day. My thyroid is normal level. What is the name of the pill you got? Was it Januvia? I need to talk to my doctor again and see what is going on. I really know how it feels to so badly need to loose weight, so I glad you found something that helps you.

    • Roberta,

      Roberta, I know it seems slow but 4 lbs is still good. One thing is that many people think that by starving your body you will lose weight and it actually has the opposite effect. A month ago I was stuck and I told the doctor that I cut down my calories and he made me go back up in my calorie intake and make some other adjustments and POW it made the weight loss start again. Cutting calories and limiting food intake isn’t going to do it. Our body needs the fuel. The trick is fueling it with the right things and balancing it all out. 🙂

      I was given Victoza. It is a non-insulin drug to help with Diabetes. I was pre-diabetic and so my insurance wouldn’t approve me. The medicine is extremely expensive and because I couldn’t afford it the doctor has given it to me for free for the past 1 1/2 years. A true blessing from God. Honestly, it isn’t a miracle drug. You still have to do your part. I am following the Weight Watchers Plan and I do Zumba 2-3 times a week. The combination of all these things and with God’s help it is slowly coming off. Note: Let the tears start pouring in their office and that usually helps. It helped me. 😉

      It took me 6 years to find somebody that would listen to me. You have to keep fighting and if your current doctor won’t listen to you find another one. Somebody will eventually listen to you. I know what to do to lose weight but my body and what was going on internally was fighting against me and I needed more help. It was always my fault until my new doctor finally listened to me. He even listened to my hubby and has helped both of us. He is AMAZING!!!

  6. 2 years ago I did 2 things – quit smoking and made Christmas goodies for my neighbors….the goodies NEVER made it out of the house. 10 pounds later, I stopped baking….completely. So yeah – I dread the holiday food LOL


  1. Are You a Stampendous Blog Hop Winner? - Add A Little Dazzle - […] have started sharing projects from last week’s blog hop and started with the Pumpkin Butter Recipe and my first…

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