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Posted by on Oct 20, 2015 in Updates | 4 comments

Don’t Know What to Say…

Don’t Know What to Say… There are very few times that I don’t know what to say and this is one of them. My heart is filled with such joy, peace, and thankfulness for your outpouring of love yesterday.  The outpouring of love and support has been mind blowing. My husband and I thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  Throughout the emotion of the day, we received numerous emails asking the same question about what you could do to keep Add a Little Dazzle alive and going…..


What a Day!

The outpouring of love and support was more than what we ever expected.  The emails of love and encouraging words were unbelievable. The stories shared about people’s struggle with health, homes, deaths, grandchildren, and so much more confirmed in our hearts that we made the right decision.

We strongly believe that God has placed us where we are NOW to share our own story of struggle to help encourage you and lead you to the one who has helped us through it all.   It is easy to paint a picture perfect world through the pages of this blog for you, but the truth is my life is far from perfect. 

My struggles are real and are very much like yours.  It’s time to share the real Weaver family with you.  Get ready as we share what God has taught us and has done for us to bring us to the place we are right now.  Learn from our mistakes and lets bring healing and wellness back into our homes.  

When we have a Godly balance, we find peace and rest in the midst of the storm. Together we are going to discover and learn how to find that balance in our faith, family, finances, fitness, food, and fun.  Join us as we get ready to launch our new blog Revived Wellness.  Sign up for our mailing list today!



In the midst of all the emails, we received numerous ones asking us about purchasing the business Add a Little Dazzle.  There are so many of you who not only love CRAFT METAL SHEETS but want to start your own business.

Add a Little Dazzle is the perfect opportunity as all the work has been done for you.  Systems are in place and all you have to do is pick up where we left off and not worry about doing any of the back end work of SEO, blog designing, logos, branding yourself on social platforms as we are already there and have done all the work for the past 7 years.

If you are SERIOUSLY interested in starting your own crafting business and would like to discuss purchasing Add a Little Dazzle, please contact me at


Last Chance!!!

We are selling ALL our Craft Metal Sheet inventory.  Once we are sold out, we will not restock and the order button will notify you that we are SOLD OUT!!!

Purchase your Craft Metal Sheets now and get stocked up for your beautiful holiday creations!!!


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  1. What an encouragement you are to me…. So excited for your new blog…. I am on a journey and to know I am not alone…. means the world to me… Thank You….


    • Faith, thank you for your kind words. It means the world for me to read this because I know we are making the right decision. It wasn’t easy to let go of AALD but it was time for transition. Thank you and I look forward to getting to know you at Revived Wellness. Hugs, Monica

  2. So sorry you are giving up Add A Little Dazzel, but so glad you are taking care of your self. I wish you love and a healthy future.

    I lost my husband one year ago my grief and relief has been tough. Therefore I have not taken good care of myself either. I have all the good intentions but have not followed through. I am feeling more like my old self so the first step is to get rid of my depression meds and then get back to exercise and a healthy diet. I have found it so hard to cook for one person.

    • Sharon,

      I am so sorry to read about the loss of your husband.I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. Please know that I care and will be praying for God to continue comforting you and strengthening you. I pray you will follow our journey at and that we can be of encouragement and blessing in your life. Hugs. Monica

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