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Posted by on Aug 30, 2013 in Updates | 108 comments

Big Reveal: New Craft Metal Sheets

The Big Reveal: New Craft Metal Sheets It is time to share what you have been asking for years. On a regular basis, we receive emails asking us to bring this craft metal sheet color back to our line of colors.  You have asked and we are excited to be able to deliver.  Not only are we revealing a new color, but we are adding 4 more colors to our inventory. We are so excited about our new craft metal sheet colors. 

Big Reveal: New Craft Metal SheetsTime Has Come

We are excited to announce that we are adding 5 colors to our existing line of Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.  Four of these colors are ones we currently carry.  The difference is that these colors are now stored in our warehouse. There is no middle man. We have gone straight to the manufacturer and had them create our own line of craft metal sheets.  No more back orders! No more waiting!  Our warehouse now has craft metal sheets in 11 colors straight from the manufacturer.  Our goal is to have ALL craft metal sheet colors in our warehouse by the end of 2013.  

Labor Day Weekend

It is hard to believe that we will be saying good-bye to summer.  It seems like just yesterday the children got out of school for the summer and now we are scrambling to get them ready to begin another school year.  This weekend many families across the country will be firing up the grill for one last cookout at the lake, pool, and/or beach.    In addition, many will be looking for great Labor Day Sales.  Add a Little Dazzle wants to help you celebrate by offering you great savings on select craft metal sheet colors.  In addition, we will be giving away prizes and sharing dazzling craft ideas to help you start getting into the holiday spirit. Join us all weekend for this amazing event!

Thankful for the BIG REVEAL

I am so thankful to God for allowing this dream to become a reality.  Our family has been surrounded by so many people who have believed in our business and supported us in many different ways.  Add a Little Dazzle has an amazing team working behind the scenes. We have three amazing men working with us. Thank you to Estevan Montoya (Blog and Graphic Designer), John Sanpietro (professional coach), and Michael (my hubby AKA Shipping Manager).  All play an important role in our success and have helped in making the BIG REVEAL day a reality. 

Time for the BIG REVEAL

[youtube url=”” width=”560″ height=”315″ autohide=”1″ fs=”1″ hd=”1″ rel=”0″ showsearch=”0″ showinfo=”0″]

Leave a Comment Below With a Name Suggestion for Our New Color!

Enter for a Chance to Win 5 Craft Metal Sheets!

Labor Day Sale Starts Tomorrow! 

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  1. Pizzazzleberry Purple
    Pizzazzleberry Plum

  2. Pizzazzleberry Purple or Pizzazzleberry Plum

  3. Princess Purple

  4. I think the name of the new color should be People’s Choice Purple or People’s Choice Plum

  5. My choice would be “Pristine Purple”.

  6. Electrifying Plum …… It sent electrons through my body when I saw the electrifying color

  7. Passionately Plum
    Perfect Plum
    Plum Sorbet
    Plummed Out
    Positively Plum

  8. Whisper of Plum Whisper of Purple Plum Kisses Kiss of Passion

  9. Whispering Passion Plum
    Whispering Passion Purple
    Whispering Orchid
    Paint me Purple
    Pinch of Purple
    Bride of Plum

  10. How about Prestigious Purple. Please, please, please, pick me, pick me. 🙂

  11. Piccadilly Purple

  12. Gorgeous color! In fact, purple is my favorite color. I suggest Papillon Purple as the shade looks like a beautiful butterfly.

  13. Peacock Plum

  14. persnickety plum
    punky plum
    plum percosious
    plumky purple
    purple pleasure
    plum perfect

  15. Purple passion
    Purple royale

  16. Plum Sassy
    Plum Passion
    Purple Passion
    Plum Dazzle
    Plum Royal
    Purple Royal
    royal Plum

  17. Plum Fancy
    Dazzle me Purple
    Dazzle me Plum
    Dazzling Plum
    Dazzling Purple
    Plum Sassy

  18. I love the color purple. I think it should be called Purple Passion. Or how about Purple Royality.

  19. I love purple. I think it should be called Purple Passion. Or how about Purple Royality.

  20. I love purple. I think it should be called Purple Passion.

  21. My name would be Pleasingly Purple.

  22. Passion Plum or Passion v9Purple or Perfectly purple

  23. Purple Palooza
    Purple Prestige
    Priceless Purple
    Purple Prestige
    Purple Sapphire…….

  24. Thanks for the kind words. It’s a blessing to use my talents for the Glory of God and to help people like you! I trust that Christ will bless you, your family, and your business!

  25. Princely purple. It is the color of Jesus’ robe.

  26. Pleasingly Purple (or plum), popping plum (or purple), picked plum (or purple), preferred purple (or plum), Purple Plus, or Plum Plus),

  27. There have been many great suggestions. One name I haven’t seen yet is: Pearlescent Purple

  28. There have been many great suggestions. One name I have seen yet is: Pearlescent Purple.

  29. Pyrenees Purple (mountain range between France & Spain)
    Pyrotechnic Purple (it has flashes of pink and blues in the least on my monitor!)

  30. How about Passionately Plum

  31. Some others:

    Peony Purple
    Perky Purple
    Persian Purple
    Peruvian Purple
    Petunia Purple
    Perfect Purple
    Purely Purple
    Provencial Purple
    Purple Prism
    Primrose Purple
    Primarily Purple
    Pretty Purple
    Precocious Purple
    Playful Purple

  32. I know… how about Purebred Purple 🙂 had to go through all the posts to make sure it hadn’t been taken already.. good luck picking!

  33. Beautiful…Purple Passion,,Passionately Purple..Purple Pick-up…Pampered Purple…Proud Purple

  34. I look at the color and can only think of…. Royal Eggplant (so it doesn’t start with a p!) but I love the entry of Polished Purple..beautiful name!

  35. Padazzle Purple
    Purple dazzle
    Purple padazzle

  36. perfectly plum
    perfectly purple
    grape soda
    purple punch

  37. What about:

    Petunia Purple
    Pageant Purple
    Pagoda Purple
    Painted Desert Purple
    Palantine Purple
    Picasso Purple
    Purple Panache
    Paradise Purple

  38. Plum Royale seems perfect for this rich new color.

  39. What s gorgeous color!…….”Prestigious Purple”…or “Prestigious Plum”……or reverse,
    “Purple Prestige” or “Plum Prestige” ……thank you.

  40. Hippocras Purple (or)
    Repertory Plum

  41. Passion Purple (makes me think of the Easter Cross with it’s purple “robe”)

  42. Poppin Purple

  43. Most of my original thoughts have been taken – man, gotta get up early to be original. So, I went to some others. Purple Rain because of the music. Premium Purple. Periwinkle Purple, Persuasive Purple/ Pompous Purple, Potent Purple, Prestige Purple. Platinum Purple. Lastly, Praise for Purple!

    Plum could be substituted but I think of plus as darker or redder.

    • I was looking at my purple towels and came up with some more. Some of these might have already been mentioned.

      Purple persuasion, Primarily purple, Primary purple, posh purple, Priestly Purple, Plush purple, Premier Purple, Purple Premiere or Purple Passion.

  44. Pandemonium purple
    Purpliscous plum
    Pluck-a-plum purple

  45. What a stunning, majestic color! It deserves a grandiose name to go along with it. My choices would be “Powerful Purple” (signifying royalty and elegance), “Poignant Purple”, “Purple Plume”, “Purple Prism”, “Prism Purple” or “Precocious Purple”.

  46. Purple Passion
    Plum Passion
    Plum Perfect

  47. What a stunning, majestic color! It deserves a grandiose name to go along with it. My choices would be “Powerful Purple” (signifying royalty and elegance), “Poignant Purple”, “Purple Plume”, “Purple Prism”, “Prism Purple” or “Precocious Purple”.

  48. I love the color – how about Mardi Gras, Purple Heart or Grape Jelly

  49. Passionately Purple
    Purple Prisome or Prisome Purple
    Purple People-Eater (just had to throw that in LOL!)
    Purple Prize
    Purple Paint
    Purple Peacock
    Purple Power or Power Purple
    Pow-wow Purple or Purple Pow-wow
    Peek-a-boo Purple or Purple Peek-a-boo
    Purple Pow
    Purple Pleasure
    Poppin’ Purple
    Purple Popper

  50. Well Purple Haze was the first name I thought of but since that has been mentioned I will say Purple Oppulence, Vivacious Plum and Pristine Purple.



  52. Passionately Purple
    Purely Purple
    Purple Prisome or Prisome Purple
    Pansy Purple or Purple Pansy

  53. Purple Kiss
    Fancy Plum
    Dazzling Berry
    Perfect Plum
    Purple Bling
    Plum Sparkle

  54. Passionate Plum
    Palatial (as in palace) Purple
    Palace Purple
    Pansy Purple
    Plum Perfect

  55. purpleicous
    plum pudding

  56. Polished Purple

  57. Dark Orchid, Violet, power plum, plum purple, Amethyst

  58. How about panoramic purple, or personable purple.

  59. Positively Purple

  60. Purple Passion
    Plum Crazy
    Popping Plum
    Princess Purple
    Precious Purple

  61. Pretty Purple, Vibrant Purple, Playful Purple, Dazzling Plum, Stunning Plum, Plum Parade

  62. How about
    Amaranthine or Tyrian Purple or Royal Amethyst

  63. I also like Purely Plumtastic and Plumtastic Pizzazz

  64. I say Plumtastic Purple.

  65. My thought was Purplelicious Pizzaz
    it is a beautiful color

  66. I think the perfect name would be phantasy plum.

  67. I’m partial to Posh Plum or Purely Purple or Purely Plum.
    Hope you like it too!

  68. How about Purple Pizzazz?

  69. Popping perfect purple!!! Or popping perfect plum!!!

  70. Persnickety purple

  71. Passionately Purple

  72. How about Purr-ple? Or — if you would rather two words, then – Purely Purple

  73. Plum Crazy Purple is my guess

  74. Plum Crazy!!! I think of that when I see it.

  75. Plum Crazy Purple

  76. The first thing that came to my mind is PURPLEBERRY

  77. I like Purple Royale

  78. Playful Purple

    Proud Purple

    Popular Purple

    Pleasant Purple

    Precious Purple

  79. I think Peacock Purple says it all.

  80. Pleasing Purple

  81. This purple reminds me of the color royalty would wear so I will suggest:

    Princely Purple or Princely Plum

    But it also reminds me of the color of pansies so my second suggestion is:

    Pansy Purple or Purple Pansy

    Love it! Purple is a favorite of mine.

  82. I can’t decide….Plucky Purple; Pajama Pants; Palace Purple; Peek-a-Boo Purple; Prickly Pear Purple; Princely Purple; Punkie Purple

  83. Purplelicious……….it’s a delicious purple color!!

  84. Persistenly purple or peppy purple

  85. Well, I see I am not the only one who suggested Perfectly Purple so I will make a new suggestion. Purple always makes me think of royalty so I will suggest PRINCELY PURPLE

  86. Wow! That color just Pops out at you! Lovely. How about Paparazzi Purple.

  87. Perfectly Purple

  88. Monica, I think the color is gorgeous and my suggestion for the name would be PRECIOUS PURPLE.

  89. Wow, what a “Picturesque Purple/Plum” or “Prominent Purple/Plum” color. Love it!!! Great color for fall.


  91. I think the Purple Metal Sheet screams to me “Purple Passion” or “Passionate Purple”

  92. The first thing that came to my mind on the reveal was: PLUMP PURPLE

  93. OH I’m excited with the new color!
    My suggestion is Palace Purple…!!!

  94. I look at this color and I think PURPLE PASSION! because it is so striking.

  95. Pageant Purple

  96. Passionate Purple

  97. purple passion!

  98. My first thought was Purple Passion.
    Hope you choose my name.

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