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Posted by on Oct 7, 2014 in Collaborations, Updates | 10 comments

Avery Elle Blog Hop Winner and Big Announcement

Avery Elle Blog Hop Winner and Big Announcement. What an exciting week we had hopping around with Avery Elle.  We have lots going on this week and can’t wait to share it with you.  To begin, we are ready to announce the winner of the Avery Elle Blog Hop. Then, we have a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT.  Many of you have been asking for this for a long time and after lots of behind the scenes work we are ready to launch it. Join us today as we announce the WINNER of the Avery Elle Blog Hop and share our BIG ANNOUNCEMENT with you.DazzleAEBlogHopAvery Elle Winner

What a fun blog hop we had with Avery Elle!  Lots of fun projects, ideas, and product lines. I just love the versatility of Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets and how well they work with so many product lines.  There really is no limit to what you can do with our metal sheets.

I usually have favorites with each blog hop but there were too many in this one. There were so many awesome projects that there was no way to just pick one or two favorites. My want list has grown a mile long. 🙂 

The comments were awesome and we loved reading all of them.  Unfortunately, we could only pick one winner.  The following person has won a $25 Gift Certificate towards Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets. Congratulations! Please email me at to claim your prize.





bad dayBad Day Turned Into a Bad Week

Have you ever had one of those bad days that turns into a bad week? I like to keep my blog an upbeat and positive place, yet while sharing my human side.  After much thought,  I decided I needed to share with you what happened last week and why I couldn’t post the things I promised.

For most of my life I have suffered from Hypoglycemia but it seems to have gotten worst with time.  Unfortunately, last week it was really bad. Some days my vision was affected and I would see stars and was dizzy. Other days I had to eat every 2 hours just to keep my sugar from bottoming out. Then, there were the days I sat drenched in sweat trying to keep myself together while riding out my sugar levels.   

Not only did I feel horrible physically, but I felt like a failure as I had promised Spa Recipes, projects, videos, 12 Weeks of Christmas, etc.  As much as I wanted to do that and much more, I physically couldn’t and I had to just give up the idea that it was going to happen. It broke my heart and I felt like a liar.

I decided it was better to be honest with you and tell you what happened than to act like I never wrote anything.  I still want to deliver on what I promised I would share and so little by little I will share projects using all my fun Avery Elle products.

Right now, I am trying to get caught up on challenges, an upcoming Blog Hop, and 12 Weeks of Christmas.  I will also work on the video for the ornament.  As you can see my plate is full, but I will work diligently to post and share projects and tips with you. If there is anything you would like to see, please let me know. I love hearing from you.

Thanks for your understanding and I look forward to sharing so much more with you.

Free shippingNOW AVAILABLE

Here at Add a Little Dazzle we value you as a customer and are always looking for ways to improve our service to you. Throughout the years, we have received emails about shipping rates, international shipping, packaging of our orders, handling of our metal sheets, and offering free shipping.  

We are excited to announce that starting today Tuesday, October 7, 2014 we offer FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders in the USA AND INTERNATIONALLY. Yes, we are offering FREE SHIPPING worldwide on all qualifying orders.  

We invite you to visit our SHIPPING POLICIES page to read all the details. No coupon is needed and if your order qualifies you will automatically receive FREE SHIPPING at checkout. Need to buy in bulk. Check out our BULK BUY PROGRAM.  If your country does not show up at check out, just email us and we will help you with your order. 

Thanks So Much for Being Our Valued Customer!

Happy Shopping!

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  1. Congrats!! very neat, Monica, take care of yourself. Keep positive and keep creating.

    Hope things settle down & stabilise for your soon Monica!!! PLEASE take care of yourself and remember that YOUR health is the most important thing and don’t worry about missed projects or deadlines – it is better to keep as well as you can be. I know that it can be a delicate balancing act and it is a terrible price to pay when you push too hard.

  3. Please take care of yourself. There is no need to do more than you physically feel you can do.
    We can get along without recipes, etc, It is more important that you continue to live a healthy life.

  4. I totally know how you feel. I am so glad you are feeling better now. I was trying to do some cleaning yesterday and my blood sugar dropped. I had the shakes so bad I couldn’t do anything. I hate how long it takes for it to stop. It feels like you have no control over your own body.I regularly eat every 2 hours. It seems that is all I do some days.

  5. Sorry to hear that your unwell. I am an unstable Diabetic so I can sympathise.

    Take things one day at a time, do not push yourself with deadlines for us. We like what you do whenever you give it to us. and take care of you

    God bless and take care of yourself.

  6. I am so sorry to hear things have been tough. I’m glad you shared so we can be here to support you.
    Personally I have been having a tough time, too. Things at work have spun me into a deep depression and I have not been able to keep up on things I normally would.
    My point is life gets in the way and we can only do what we can when we can and have to let the other things go.
    Hang in there and take care of yourself.
    Looking forward to what you have to share.
    Crafty hugs,

  7. Ugh – I have Hypoglycemia too and it does suck! I’ve learned (but still occasionally forget) that I cannot push myself to do things because it will bite me big time. So please, don’t try to do it all. Take care of yourself!

  8. Always take care of yourself first so you can be there for others.

  9. Wow~ So sorry to hear about your bad week! I know exactly how it is to say I am going to do something and then health issues arise and change all the plans! I guess that is where the saying, “The best laid plans go awry.” comes from.
    You take care of YOURSELF and then worry about what you want to do to encourage and inspire us! We will still be here when your health decides to cooperate and will enjoy the posts then.
    Feel well and talk to you soon!
    PS Congratulations Miriam Pratner!!!

  10. Congrats Miriam! Praying you feel better soon Monica. I still love you!

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