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Posted by on Sep 19, 2014 in Collaborations | 31 comments

Add a Little Dazzle and Stampendous Blog Hop- Day #5

Add a Little Dazzle and Stampendous Blog Hop Day #5.  Can you believe how fast this week has gone by?  It is the final day of our blog hop. We have had so much fun creating projects to share with you.  The feedback has been wonderful and we are so glad you have enjoyed it.  So, as we close this week’s blog hop, we are going out with a BANG with the Grand Finale.  Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy our MEGA line up of designers today. Let’s have some fun!

Stampendous banner7

Today is Day 5 of the Add a Little Dazzle and Stampendous Blog Hop!  It has been an amazing week of inspiration and we have had some amazing designers share amazing work with you. 

I invite you to visit all our designers today. We are going out with a BANG with a GRAND FINALE!!! We have 6 prize packs up for grabs. All you need to do is leave a comment at each blog. Then, each company will choose 3 winners and we will each announce them on our blog. journal 3Life Isn’t Perfect

As a young child, I remember wanting so desperately to grow up and be an adult. I wanted to have my own home, my own family, and not have anybody tell me what to do.  What I would do to go back to those innocent years when life was perfect. Of course I didn’t think it was perfect back then because I had to do what my parents told me to do. 

Now, I truly realize there is no perfect. We always wish to have what the other person has or wish things were different in our lives. Then, we realize somebody else wishes they had what we have.  It is a wake up call and you realize that although life isn’t perfect it is still wonderful. It is all about perspective and how we choose to view our life and circumstances.  

Whenever we think life is rough, God has a way of reminding us that there is somebody who has it worst than ours and it helps put things in perspective. That is the experience I had this week through this blog hop and is the result of today’s project.

journal 2My Wonderful

Lately, God has been dealing with me about not comparing my life to others.  He is teaching me to be content with where I am at and helping me to realize that this is “my journey” that He created for me. I may not be where I want to be but HE has me where HE wants me to be at this point in my life. I can choose to have a positive or negative attitude about it. 

So, I decided it was time to start thanking God for all His blessings. It is so easy to get caught up in the negative and lose sight of our blessings. When we start being thankful, we realize how truly blessed our lives are everyday.

My Attitude of Gratitude

So to start this journey I decided to create this Thankful Journal.  Here I will write down what I am thankful for everyday.  This will help me really focus and realize how truly blessed I am.  Then, every Saturday I will share one of the week’s entries with you and share what I learned that week.

I invite you on this Thankful Journey with me.  Next week, I will teach you how to create this altered journal that I purchased for $3.  It is simple, yet a great way to write down your thoughts and even makes a great gifts for friends and family.

This journal was created using the Jumbo Leaves Stamp Set.   Leaf Background Stamp Set, and the Leaf Die Cut Set . Stay tuned tomorrow as I share this week’s journal entry and then my recipes on Sunday.  Then, starting Monday I will share tutorials for this week’s projects. Make sure to come back.

Leave Me a Comment and Tell Me What You Are Thankful For Today!


As we close this week, I would like to the opportunity to thank our Guest Designer Gracie Chavez for joining us during the Stampendous Blog Hop. It was a pleasure to work with her and to see all her beautiful designs. We wish her the best.

Would You Like to Learn How to Make the Projects Featured In This Blog Hop?

Next week I will have an instructional videos teaching you techniques showcased this week. Meanwhile, sign up for my newsletter and learn how to make a beautiful metal embossed wrap for candles.

In addition, sign up for email updates.  Be the first to know about what is going on here at Add a Little Dazzle.


Prize Alert! 

Enter for a Chance to Win a Prize Pack!  Be sure to stop by and comment on each of the Design Team Blogs for a chance to win 1 of 6 prize packs from both companies! You have until Sunday, September, 21st to enter. The winners will be announced on both company blogs the following week.  You must leave a comment on all blogs.

Be Sure to Visit Each of the Designers on This Blog Hop!

Wendy Price
Vicki Dutcher
Keren Baker
Janelle Stollfus
                                 Add a Little Dazzle<< You Are Here
Lea Kimmel
Cathy Parlitsis
Kristine Reynolds
Lee-Anne Cross
Graciela Chavez
Jamie Martin
Lydia Brooke-Evans
Asia King
Lee Ann Barrett
Amy Hurley-Purdie
Kate Capper
Pam Hornschu
Martha Lucia Gomez

 Did You Miss the Previous Day of the Blog Hop?
Here is Monday ,
 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

stampendous pack

Stampendous and Add a Little Dazzle Blog Hop Special!

During this week’s blog hop, we are offering a special pack of Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets.  This pack includes metal sheet colors that the Dazzling Diva Design Team will be using in their projects throughout the week. In addition, you will receive one pack of 25 pillow boxes in either large gift size or party favor size.  

Order your Stampendous Blog Hop Pack today and receive EXCLUSIVE PDF TUTORIALS using Stampendous Products and Add a Little Dazzle Craft Metal Sheets. This offer is ONLY available this week.  Order your Stampendous Blog Hop Pack today!

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  1. Wow! I need to make a cover for my journal like this! Love that sentiment especially and God is SO good all the time! Love these metal sheet ideas!

  2. Oh, how beautiful! Adding a special cover to a notebook like this makes filling the inside more enjoyable. We had a wonderful time with you and your team this week, thank you for all the inspiration!

  3. I too am being tested by God right now. I have been to the emergency room three times this week with raging infections in my ear, hands, arms and swelling in my feet and legs. At times the swelling has been so bad that I couldn’t walk and was having trouble breathing. I have been to the oncologist on the recommendation of the hospital and am awaiting test results from them. They have drawn 15 large vials of blood and done cultures also. On Wednesday I had red lines from my hand all the way up to my arm pit on my right side. My face and ear were so swollen with infection that I could barely talk and my hands were so infected that I couldn’t feel my right middle finger other than agonizing pain.
    Thankfully the red lines are gone, most of the swelling is also gone and it seems that the medicine has finally kicked in and the infections are clearing up. Now we just need to find out WHY and HOW the infections started~
    This hop has helped me get through the week as I was told I couldn’t create because the products are so “dirty”. Most of the week I wouldn’t have been able to create if my life depended on it because of the pain but being told I COULDN’T made it even harder! LOL
    Thanks for keeping my spirits up and I look forward to the winners announcement and your future posts as I have subscribed to your blog!!!
    Have a great evening!

  4. I am thankful for my little Granddaughter!!! She is a joy and blessing, even though it is a challenge having her Mommy and her living here now.

    Thanks for the lovely hop and for the reminder to look at the positives!!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  5. Mónica! que Final….Tu proyecto como siempre Hermoso!!! pero el mensaje que hoy dejas es mas que cierto….yo pienso que estamos viviendo la realidad en la que estamos porque Dios y la vida nos están preparando para seguir escribiendo nuestro camino futuro! Tengo una experiencia personal… mi hija de 7 años casi todos los días…me dice “Mamá ya quiero ser adolecente” cuanto falta!!! jajajaja me rio por dentro… si supiera como se sufre en la adolescencia no lo pediría…crecer es difícil pero definitivamente estoy seguro que cada tiempo presente es muchísimo mejor! Como decimos…El pasado es historia, el futuro es incierto…así que hay que VIVIR el presente intensamente!!! que esa bella libreta se llene de la mejor energía positiva!!!…Espero ver de nuevo tu bello trabajo…Muchos exitos!! Paula A. López

  6. Love your Thankful Journal! I should make one of those for myself! It’s always good to remind yourself of the many blessings in your life, especially in the midst of difficult times. I’ve been laid off of work and am looking for a job. It’s been stressful but at the same time, I’ve been blessed to be on two fantastic design teams (Stampendous and Dreamweaver) and that makes me pretty darn lucky! Guess it all depends on perspective!

  7. So beautiful!! I need to create something like this 🙂 Me encanta! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. Love the notebook but even more the inspiration behind it. It is good to remember our journeys are unique and to stay focused on the path God has us on and TO BE THANKFUL…

  9. I love journals…yours is lovely. Hope you write in it every day…I am thankful to have Jesus as my Savior and be loved by Him no matter what is going on or how I feel at the moment. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  10. Thank you for all the was a fun hop. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn new things and the blessing of having the ability create these things.

  11. Thanks for the wonderful hop this week! It’s been very inspiring and I’ve especially loved all the fall projects.

  12. A Dazzling & Stampendous Blog Hop indeed!!!!

  13. This has been an awesome week, Lots of awesome projects and cards. Great co-hop with some great products. Thanks for the great week of hopping.

  14. gosh those dazzle leaves look stunning against that background. Muy bien hecho!

  15. Love your journal and what a great idea! I am very thankful that my family is healthy, the very most important thing!

  16. What a great journal cover. Very pretty.

  17. This journal book is simply wonderful! I love those big leaves and the gorgeous colors you used to make them. Thanks for sharing with us.

  18. Love the book! I’m grateful to have you in my life!

  19. I’ll be back next week to see the videos. The metal looks like such fun to use and it makes beautiful projects. The leaves are great.
    thanks for sharing and for having the hop.

  20. Beautiful journal! It will keep you inspired I’m sure~

  21. I am so thankful for the internet. I know, weird, but since I learned how to use it so many years ago, I have learned to much. First, I learned the wonders of polymer clay. Then it was rubberstamping, paper crafting, origami, art quilting, mixed media, journaling, book binding and so many other things. Yes, I probably had a lot more times to clean and cook before, but I don’t think my life was very fulfilled before I learned how to do all these wonderful creative things.

  22. Beautiful! Wow, such a fabulous week of great ideas! I have really enjoyed seeing all the projects.

    Carol B

  23. One word only: Great!

  24. Beautiful notebook and I look forward to following the making of it. This blog hop has really been helping me get through a REALLY bad week. I have been dealing with some major medical issues and been to the hospital three times plus the doctor’s twice trying to get a handle on what is going on. So far no answers just more questions.
    Being able to do the hop every day has given me some time to stop thinking about my problems and see some gorgeous creations! Thank you for helping me get through this week. It has really meant a lot to be able to do something away from my health issues!
    How long will the special deal be available? I hope that I can still take advantage of it on the 3rd when I get my next SS check because I have spent all of my money on prescriptions this month! UGH!
    Thanks for having me along on this fun and inspirational journey! I am so glad I met you and will be around to see what other wonderful things the designers do with your products!!

  25. Monica, you are an amazing and talented person. Each day I enjoyed so much fun through hop. Todays project is too awesome. Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  26. Gorgeous journal – love the leaves.
    isoscia at aol dot com

  27. Love the notebook with the beautiful metal leaves.

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