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Posted by on Jan 2, 2014 in Health, Food, & Crafting | 0 comments

A Fresh Start for 2014

A Fresh Start for 2014.  I love new beginnings! New beginning means a fresh start.  Are you in need of a fresh start?  Honestly, I’m so excited for everything that 2014 has to offer.  Deep down, I know that this year is going to be great for me in many ways. Not only business wise, but personally in many facets.  One of them is something I have been working on for 6 months now. Join me today as I share more about my plan and how you can be a part of this exciting journey in 2014.

A Fresh Start for 2014

 Now Is The Time

I am so excited for everything that 2014 has to offer!  Many of the goals I have set before me are not new ones. They are actually a continuation of what I have already been working on since last year.  In order to get where I want to be, I have to continue pressing forward taking one step at a time.  None of these goals will happen overnight and they all require consistency.  In order to make this happen, I need to have a plan and so today I would like to share those with you.

 My Plan for 2014

1. Get Organized- This is one of the most crucial steps I believe is necessary to succeed in anything you do.  I have some things in place to get organized and that is what I am doing today.  I have written thing everything in out in an organizer so I can see it everyday.

 2. Start Now- NO PROCRASTINATION!  There is no Monday in my book. Change starts today!  One of the goals I have been working on has been in progress since last June.  I didn’t want to procrastinate and so I got a head start and pushed through the holidays so that it would be easier to continue when 2014 began. I am so glad I did because it is making it much easier to continue now.  

3. Avoid Comparing Myself to Others-  This has been a difficult one for me and I had a big eye opening moment last week. God reminded me that I don’t need to compare myself to others.  I need to be happy for their successes and realize that those same successes are there for me.  My journey is different from theirs and the path I must take may not be the same.  I must follow my own journey and grow through it. Don’t worry about what others are or aren’t doing focus on YOU.

 4. Find Balance-  Balance is an important part of the journey!  If we don’t find balance in all we do something or someone will get the short end of the stick.  It may even be you and then you will feel like a failure. Remember, this isn’t a marathon but a journey of discovery. 

What Are Your Goals for 2014?

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