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Posted by on Mar 13, 2014 in Cards, Updates | 2 comments

What Is Your Style?

What Is Your Style? Everyone has a personal style. Whether it be clothing, home decor, or food.  We all have different tastes. Some people are casual and laid back while others love to get glammed up. I love the differences we all bring and how we can still embrace each other.  Crafting is a perfect example of this. We all have different styles of crafting, yet there is something special that happens when you enter a room of crafters.

What Is Your Style?

Our Own Style

In addition to having our own style of creativity, we all have our own style for learning. Personally, I learn better by watching and doing.  If somebody just gives me a set of instructions to read, I automatically shut down.  There is something about that piece of paper staring at me that is a big turn off.   Actually, I can feel a panic attack coming on if the instructions are too long.  

On the other hand, my husband is the total opposite. If I start showing him how to do something, his attention span is gone about after 1-2 minutes. Give him a set of instructions and he is set to go.  No need to explain any further; he can figure it out.  It doesn’t matter how long the instructions are he can handle it.


What Is Your Style?

Do you like to read tutorials with step-by-step instructions for creating projects?  You know a tutorial with a complete Supply List, Measurements, and Detailed Instructions. You even enjoy a picture here and there but really don’t need to have it.

Are you like me and a totally visual person? You love to watch videos guiding you through every step of the process.  Once you see it you get it and can go from there?  It all makes sense quickly.


What Is Your Style?Great News!

Here at Add a Little Dazzle we focus on all different learning styles.  Not only will you receive a pdf tutorial, but you will also have an instructional video available to guide you through each step of the projects featured here.  We understand that everybody learns differently and so we want to make sure to address all learning styles.  

See the card above? I created this for Dazzling Diva Challenge #16 VIEW HERE.  I will be releasing an Instructional Video and pdf tutorial for this card tomorrow.  Want to be Notified as Soon as the video posts?


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  1. For some reason this card reminds me of an elegant library or reading room. Maybe I’m just hysterical from lack of sleep.

    • You are too funny Donna!! Can’t wait to see your interpretation of the challenge image. 🙂

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Read more:
Dazzling Diva Challenge #36