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Posted by on Dec 24, 2014 in 3D Projects, Health, Food, & Crafting | 2 comments

2 Ingredient Recipe for Christmas

2 Ingredient Recipe for Christmas. Can you believe Christmas Eve is here? Are you rushing around like me? Are you still trying to come up with last minute gift ideas for a neighbor? Need to make a fast and easy desert that is delicious? Join me today and join me in the last minute rush with this quick and easy recipe. I will even share a bonus tutorial on how to package it for those unexpected visitors you might have this week. 

picture 112 Weeks of Christmas Newsletter

As a Christmas Eve Gift to you, I thought I would share with you one of the projects from my 12 Weeks of Christmas Newsletter. I think this is one of my favorites because it is so easy to make. My life is so busy these days and so whatever I make has to be easy.

The past couple of weeks has been full of school programs, sick children, and running back and forth all while getting ready for Christmas Day. Can you relate? Right about now I am exhausted but I still have last minute details to finish and baked goods to give.


pdf tutorial

Pumpkin Bread




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  1. Merry Christmas Monica!!!!!!!! I hope you received the small package that I sent you a few weeks ago. I know what you mean about family being sick, My husband had the flu all last week and my son was in the hospital for a week with food poisoning while he was on a business trip in Las Vegas. Didn’t finally get home until Monday. All the while I had a two week migraine. All is well now…Have a blessed Christmas!!!!!!

    • Roberta,

      Yes, I did receive your gift. Thank you so much. I apologize for just writing. We just went through bronchitis with all members of our household. It knocked us really bad. My oldest daughter was the only one spared.

      I am glad to hear that all is well. It sure takes a toll when everybody is sick. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas.


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